Defamed, Disgraced and Displaced...
Fresh from a career-killing scandal, New York fashion girl, Maya Kirkwood, arrives in San Francisco to reinvent herself as a fine artist. She's offered the opportunity to create an installation at the Silicon Valley headquarters of a hot new tech company. Fabulous, right?
Not so much.
She can't stand Derek Whitley - wunderkind software genius and CEO of the company. Hot as he may be on the outside, inside the man is a cold, unemotional, robotic type. Way too left-brained for her right-brained self.
As Maya and Derek get to know each other, however, their facades begin to crack. She catches her first glimpse of the man behind the superhuman tech prodigy, and he starts to see her as the woman she used to be. But is this a good thing? Once that last secret is revealed, will it bring them closer together or will it tear them apart? ~~ synopsis from Goodreads
Fresh from a career-killing scandal, New York fashion girl, Maya Kirkwood, arrives in San Francisco to reinvent herself as a fine artist. She's offered the opportunity to create an installation at the Silicon Valley headquarters of a hot new tech company. Fabulous, right?
Not so much.
She can't stand Derek Whitley - wunderkind software genius and CEO of the company. Hot as he may be on the outside, inside the man is a cold, unemotional, robotic type. Way too left-brained for her right-brained self.
As Maya and Derek get to know each other, however, their facades begin to crack. She catches her first glimpse of the man behind the superhuman tech prodigy, and he starts to see her as the woman she used to be. But is this a good thing? Once that last secret is revealed, will it bring them closer together or will it tear them apart? ~~ synopsis from Goodreads
My thoughts about Unmasking Maya ~~
I loved how this story started. We are at an art show. The artist, who wants to remain unknown to those attending the show, runs across the gentleman from a Silicon Valley business who wants to hire her. Yep, you guessed it, they start off on the wrong foot. He can't stand the art work he is looking at but he doesn't know that he is voicing all this negativity to the actual artist of the pieces he says he doesn't like. And then she finds herself too far into the conversation to let him know who she really is.
So, Maya starts off their relationship, both their business one and their personal one, by keeping secrets. But wait, Derek has his own secrets. And the two of them are as different as night and day, she is very artsy and he is very techy. There is a lot of chemistry under the surface but can they overcome their differences and get past all of their secrets?
Okay, so you can probably guess how this story turns out but let me tell you, it was a whole lot of fun getting to that ending and seeing how they go about figuring it all out. Libby does an excellent job with her story telling and this was a fabulous, enjoyable read. Libby has her next novel coming out in 2013 and I am definitely going to be watching for it!
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Libby is giving one lucky winner
Ghirardelli Chocolates is a San Francisco institution. During the California Gold rush in the mid-1800s, Domingo Ghirardelli shrewdly discovered that the exhausted miners in from the fields were starved for luxuries and needed something to spend their gold dust on. To capitalize on this opportunity, he stocked chocolate delicacies to ensure that they solicited his shop.
How about that for awesome marketing!
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