1. I searched ice cream in Proquest. I think ice cream came to mind because this past weekend was so blasted hot and I am still trying to cool myself off. I limited my search to full text and retrieved 11,545 articles. I then re-sorted my list to the most relevant instead of the default of most recent. Why not look at the most relevant articles first instead of the most current? Makes sense to me! I then looked at the Suggested Topics at the top of the search page and narrowed my huge list of articles to only 77 when I selected ice cream AND nutrition. I like the fact that I can easily limit those article even further by article type, i.e. Scholarly, Magazines, Trade or Newspapers.

2. I searched for Publishers Weekly using the Publications search. This is journal that I enjoy looking at to see what new books are being published that I 'need' to read. I noticed that we have the current issues available in full-text and I can even set up an RSS feed so that I know when new issues are available. How easy is that??!!
Oh, the temptation, Book Bag! My mouth is watering! Thanks for your comments. You have described the simple search & narrow process very well. I love the Publications tab for professional reading purposes. It's also handy when patrons ask for an article they saw in "X" magazine that your library does not subscribe to.