Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Release Day! Anna Bright Is Hiding Something by Susie Orman Schnall ~ My Thoughts #AnnaBrightIsHidingSomething @susieschnall @GoSparkPress

Happy Release Day!

Congratulations Susie
on the release today of
Anna Bright Is Hiding Something!

Anna Bright Is Hiding Something by Susie Orman Schnall
Contemporary, Suspense, 331 pages
Published June 4, 2024 by SparkPress

The Dropout meets Inventing Anna in this cinematic and page-turning summer read! A ripped-from-the-headlines story set in the glossy offices of Silicon Valley startups and NYC new media, Anna Bright Is Hiding Something explores our fascination with female founders breaking barriers—and sometimes behaving badly in the process.

Anna Bright is committing fraud. But nobody knows it yet. Not the board of her multibillion-dollar company, not her investors, not the public breathlessly anticipating the launch of BrightSpot, and not the media—including Jamie Roman, a hardworking journalist for BusinessBerry. But when Jamie does learn about Anna’s misconduct, she embarks on a bicoastal journey to expose the crimes and make a name for herself as a journalist. It’s not long before Anna learns what the reporter is up to, however—and she’ll do anything to stop Jamie.

Especially now that BrightLife’s IPO is days away.

My thoughts about Anna Bright Is Hiding Something ~~

(I love to note the first lines of the books I'm reading. First lines can really grab a reader's attention and I love seeing where the author takes the reader after their first lines.)

First lines—"On that sunny, hopeful morning of the Vanity Fair Female Founder Conference, Jamie Roman didn't suspect the truth about Anna Bright. No one did."

I usually turn away from this type of story—silicon valley and the corporate world—but I had read another book by this author, thoroughly enjoyed it, and love her writing. So  I was excited to jump into this story.

Anna Bright is a strong, independent women who expects her life, and her company, to soar to the top. When an up-and-coming journalist starts to question her methods and her ethics, the gloves come off. Let me tell you, Anna Bright becomes a person you love to hate and you'll want to see her get what she deserves. And Jamie Roman is the hero you'll be cheering for. 

This is a very well written story, with memorable characters. I was drawn in from the very beginning and had a hard time putting it down, that's how enticing the storyline was for me. I enjoyed it immensely and look forward to reading more from this author. 

I received Anna Bright Is Hiding Something from the publisher and this is my honest opinion of the book.

About the author

Susie Orman Schnall is the author of five novels about ambitious women: Anna Bright Is Hiding Something (2023), We Came Here to Shine (2020), The Subway Girls (2018), The Balance Project (2015), and On Grace (2014).

She’s also a screenwriter currently shopping her first pilot and feature-length screenplay.

A mother of three sons, Susie grew up in Los Angeles, graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, and now lives with her husband in New York.

When she’s not reading or writing you can find her doing a crossword puzzle, playing around on Canva, or hiking to the top of a mountain.

Connect with Susie

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