Saturday, June 15, 2024

This OR That Giveaway № 153 ~ Mercy Snow by Tiffany Baker OR Little Girl Gone by Drusilla Campbell


I have sooooo many books!

The This or That Giveaway! feature that I post every Saturday is a way for me to cull my collection and to share some of the many books I have. I get to clear off some of my shelves to make room for more books and give someone else the chance to enjoy these treasures.

Good luck and be sure to stop back next week!


Mercy Snow
by Tiffany Baker
Paperback ~ January 2014

In the tiny town of Titan Falls, New Hampshire, the paper mill dictates a quiet, steady rhythm of life. But one day a tragic bus accident sets two families on a course toward destruction, irrevocably altering the lives of everyone in their wake.

June McAllister is the wife of the local mill owner and undisputed first lady in town. But the Snow family, a group of itinerant ne'er-do-wells who live on a decrepit and cursed property, have brought her -- and the town -- nothing but grief.

June will do anything to cover up a dark secret she discovers after the crash, one that threatens to upend her picture-perfect life, even if it means driving the Snow family out of town. But she has never gone up against a force as fierce as the young Mercy Snow. Mercy is determined to protect her rebellious brother, whom the town blames for the accident, despite his innocence. And she has a secret of her own. When an old skeleton is discovered not far from the crash, it beckons Mercy to solve a mystery buried deep within the town's past.


Little Girl Gone
by Drusilla Campbell
Paperback ~ Published January 2012

Madora was seventeen, headed for trouble with drugs and men, when Willis rescued her. Fearful of the world and alienated from family and friends, she ran away with him and for five years they have lived alone, in near isolation. But after Willis kidnaps a pregnant teenager and imprisons her in a trailer behind the house, Madora is torn between her love for him and her sense of right and wrong. When a pit bull puppy named Foo brings into Madora's world another unexpected person--Django Jones, a brilliant but troubled twelve-year-old boy--she's forced to face the truth of what her life has become.

An intensely emotional and provocative story, Little Girl Gone explores the secret hopes and fears that drive good people to do dangerous things . . and the courage it takes to make things right.


I have a lot of CD audiobooks. I've never offered them here on my giveaways, I realize audiobooks are not for everyone. My question this week is to find out how interested you would be if I offered a list of my audiobooks you could pick from if you are selected as a winner. Leave a comment and let me know how interested you are. Thanks for your input. 

*Very interested

*Slightly interested

*Not interested


Be sure to check the sidebar for my current giveaways!  


  1. I think it's a good idea but not necessarily something I would be interested in.

  2. Personally I am not at all interested in audio books.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  3. I listen to them all the time so I am very interested.


Thanks SO much for leaving me a comment! Every single one means a whole lot to me!

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