Thursday, February 13, 2014

On Tour: Wishing on Buttercups by Miralee Ferrell, Book Spotlight and a Giveaway!

Wishing on Buttercups

Wishing on Buttercups by Miralee Ferrell
Series: Love Blossoms in Oregon #2
Paperback and Kindle Edition, 416 pages
Published February 1st 2014 by David C. Cook

Can Love Survive When Secrets Collide?

She’d kept her secrets safely hidden—those from her past, and those in the present. Some things, Beth Roberts knows, a lady simply doesn’t share, even in the 1880’s West. The townspeople would never understand. No one ever has.

Jeffery Tucker, a handsome young writer, has kept his own secrets. He doesn’t have a right to pry into Beth’s affairs but finds himself strangely drawn to her and intrigued by the whiff of mystery surrounding her.

Beth knows that one day someone will unravel the threads of her past. And when two men from her past arrive, the truth might just hurt . . . Beth’s future and her heart.

As shadowy memories surface, Beth sketches the scenes she sees and is shocked by what—and who—her illustrations reveal. Dare she risk her heart again?

About the author

Miralee Ferrell is a speaker, accredited counselor, and former ACFW chapter president who has published multiple contemporary and historical romance novels since starting to write in 2005. She enjoys horseback riding, gardening, and family gatherings around their eleven-acre property in Washington State’s beautiful Columbia River Gorge.

Miralee has had eight books release, both in women’s contemporary fiction and historical fiction, with another 5 under contract. She’s an award-winning author of Western fiction, and her newest novel, Wishing on Buttercups released February 1, and is the second in a series set in Baker City, Oregon, 1880s.

Connect with Miralee

Giveaway Time!!

This giveaway is a little different from other giveaways I've had here at The Book Bag. To be eligible to win a paperback copy of Wishing on Buttercups, you must leave a question for Miralee.

Miralee would love to answer questions concerning her books, writing, publishing career, pets, or her hobbies. Feel free to only leave a comment, but if you would like to be entered in the contest, we ask that you come up with a question. Then, you can return to The Book Bag if you want to, and interact with her again.

Other stops on the tour - visit them all for more opportunities to win!

February 10th - A Book Lover's Retreat

February 11th - Shelley's Book Case

February 12th - For the Love of Literature

February 13th - The Book Bag

February 15th - HomeSchooling4boyz

February 17th - Buzzing about Books

February 18th - Stuck on Books

February 19th - The power of words..

February 20th - My Recent Favorite Books

February 22nd - Melina's Book Blog

February 24th - The Front Porch

February 26th - My Devotional Thoughts

February 28th - Diana's Tea Time Reviews

February 28th - Create with Joy

Be sure to check the sidebar for my current giveaways!


  1. Good Morning! I love your cover, Miralee, and your title. Did you get to keep the 'working title' or was it changed? And if it was, what did you first call it?

    1. Hi Caryl, good morning to you! You told me you'd be here and you made it bright and early. Good question--actually, this is the only title I've chosen that was accepted. The committee loved it!

  2. Thanks for joining the Tour!

    Miralee, How many pets do you have?

    1. Currently, just four, since my mare passed away this last summer. Two dogs a Blue Heeler/Aust Shepherd cross named Sophie, and a 7 lb, long-haired Chihuahua named Lacey who spends a lot of time in my lap as I write. Two cats, both grey, Tom and Smoke, who are best buddies.

  3. I'm glad you joined the tour! Love your blog. I've already got the book so just stopping by to say hi! :)

  4. Susan, thank you for supporting Miralee by joining her blog tour! Don't enter me either...I just wanted to say hi.

    1. So happy to do it Carole. Miralee is a 'new to me' author and I am anxious to read her books.

  5. Miralee, do you have any hobbies that you like to do when you are not writing your books? Also do u have a favorite bible verse that helps you get through the day??

    1. Hi Danie, glad you made it! How about I answer one today and you save the second for the next blog? I have a couple of different things I love to do when I'm not writing--horseback riding and gardening. In the winter when I can't do either, I love to read.

  6. Susan, thank you so much for hosting me on your blog! It's lovely to meet you and get a chance to interact with your readers. Carole and Wanda, thank you for your awesome support in stopping by!

    1. I am so happy to have you here, Miralee. Much success on the tour! The response to this post and the tour has been amazing! I am so glad that everyone stopped by!

  7. Hi, Susan! Thanks for being a part of the blog tour and supporting Miralee! I'm just stopping by to say hello! I love the book background on your blog! :-)

    1. Hi Sarah! Thanks for stopping by. And thanks for the compliment about my blog. I sometimes think I should change this background but I just can't find anything that represents what I love - so many books!

  8. How long did it take to write Wishing on Buttercups?Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Hi Emma, I don't think I've seen you on any of the other blog stops yet, so it's nice to meet you! I think it took about 4-5 months of writing, off and on. I have to fit in other things like edits for Blowing on Dandelions, then the release and publicity for that book, working on my first middle-grade girls' horse novel that releases next year, and life in general, so I rarely sit and just write every day. It's a bit of a dance and a juggling act, but I love it!

  9. Miralee, where do you get the ideas for the books you write?

    1. Hi Tammy, good to see you here! Pretty much all over the place. Sometimes strictly out of my own imagination, sometimes from a news clip that stirred an idea, occasionally from something I've read that triggers an idea, or even from an event in my own life.

  10. Hey Miralee , I love your book and I have an ebook but would love to have the book. Love the blog . Miralee when you are writing a book do you use pen, Computer or maybe another method ??
    Please enter me in the contest. Thanks and blessings.

    1. Hi Liz! Great to see you here! To answer your question, if I had to use a pen, I'd never write a book, LOL! I love my computer and the ability to do a quick delete, cut/paste/shift things around, the easy editing, and when I'm on a roll, typing as fast as I can & barely keeping up with the flow.

  11. What research is necessary for your historicals? What is your favorite locale? saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. Hi Traveler, so nice to see you here! Depending on whether my book is character driven (as is this series) or heavy on the setting/history (as my Love Finds You books are) will determine the amt of research I must do. I have visited all the locals for every book but one, so far, to help bring the setting to life. While there, I visit all museums and any historic buildings I can find. I take a lot of pictures to refer to later, and also dig into books and the internet for extra information. Thanks for your question! Oh....and my favorite locale of all the books I've written? Tombstone, AZ! My husband and I had a ball visiting that town and all the wonderful historic sites.

  12. Miralee, do you have a favorite time of the day or night to write and do you prefer quiet writing time or noisy?

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

    1. Hi Melanie, my favorite time used to always be in the evening while my husband was watching tv, but on this current book, I found myself writing more often in the afternoon before he came home and doing publicity spots in the evening. I must have quiet for writing. So if it's something I need to concentrate on, I go to my office and close the door, so the TV noise doesn't filter through. Thanks for stopping by!

  13. Miralee, I love your books. My question has to do with your thoughts on Christian books that contain suggestive romantic scenes. Maybe I am old fashioned but I have read a few books where this seems to becoming a bit more suggestive and I guess I'm not used to it. I really liked it when I could read Christian books without this.
    I am not talking about graphic things just suggestive. What do you think?
    thank you

    1. Personally, I"m with you, Jackie...I'm old-fashioned that way. I guess I want to be able to pick up a book that I can pass on to my daughter or granddaughter (when she gets old enough) without being concerned. I do believe those author's have wonderful hearts and are trying to reach a segment of the public that are used to reading truly racy fiction, who would think the slightly more suggestive Christian fiction is tame. While I understand their efforts, I don't choose to go that direction with my writing for personal reasons.

  14. Hi Miralee! You have a wonderful gift of writing. I was wondering what your "must haves" are when writing? Coffee, tea, snacks?
    lattebooks at hotmail dot com

    1. Hi Susan, thank you so much, and I really appreciate you hosting me here. I'm not a coffee drinker, but I love iced tea with a little sugar. Yum! I make it at home, and will occasionally indulge in a Pepsi, as well. Snacks? Mixed nuts, raw almonds, and chocolate!! Dark or sea salt/caramel. Love it!

    2. This was submitted by a different Susan, not me. But I love the question (and love the name, btw!) Thanks for stopping by, Susan !

  15. Hi Sharon, I enjoyed it, too! So glad you were there. I did a Twitter chat because Wanda, one of my awesome team members, knew how to do it and was willing to host it. Yes, I'd consider a FB event chat, as well. I've actually been thinking of doing one with a nice prize when my next book releases the end of March. Stay tuned!

  16. When will your third book in this series be released?

    1. Forget Me Not, a novella featuring Pastor Seth and his romance, will release in mid to late March this year. Look for it first on Amazon for Kindle or paperback! Thanks for asking, Beverly.

  17. Hi! How do you celebrate finishing a book?

    1. Hi Suz! Thanks for stopping by! Sometimes I take my daughter to lunch, but my real celebration comes when I sign a contract. That's my hubby and I go out to dinner.

  18. How will you celebrate Valentine's Day?

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

    1. We don't do a lot that's special....sometimes we go out to dinner, but more often we stay home and have a quiet evening together. My hubby often brings flowers--he doesn't always remember, but this morning he started with a big hug and a Happy Valentine's day, so I'm happy!

  19. Your property sounds wonderful. How many horses do you have?


    1. Rita, Right now I don't own a horse. I lost my old Arabian mare this past summer, and I've decided not to replace her. My daughter and her husband live nearby and have three horses, and I'm able to ride with my daughter any time. My schedule is so busy now that I'm not able to give a horse the care it needs. Thanks for stopping by!

  20. Thanks to everyone for stopping by and leaving questions for Miralee. This has been fun. It is always fascinating to learn personal things about the wonderful authors that we read.

    Miralee - I have a question for you. I once heard an author talk about her characters and hearing their voices in her head. She sometimes didn't even know where a story was going until her characters 'showed' her. That was just amazing to hear. Does this happen to you? Do your characters lead you thru the story?

    Thanks for being here Miralee - it has been a pleasure having you!

    1. Hi Susan, it's been such a blessing being here, thank you! Yes, I often have my characters lead me into a place I didn't realize I'd go. It's happened a number of times, and it's always exciting when it does. In fact, the book Finding Jeena was written because a secondary character in The Other Daughter demanded I tell her story, as so many readers misunderstood her, LOL!

  21. What made you choose to write Historical fiction?

    Tammy Hudson

  22. Sounds like a great read! Thanks for the giveaway!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  23. Hi Miralee, Do you have any favorite recipes? Would you like to try any of the food/recipes based on your books? I keep thinking of Katherine doing all that cooking in Blowing On Dandelions!
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com


Thanks SO much for leaving me a comment! Every single one means a whole lot to me!

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