Wednesday, February 12, 2014

WWW Wednesdays February 12, 2014

WWW Wednesdays is hosted by Should Be Reading

To play along, just answer the following three questions…

• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?

Clicking on the book covers will take you to Goodreads for more information about the books listed below.

What are you currently reading?

The Making of Nebraska Brown by Louise Caiola
I'm originally from Nebraska so I just had to read this one. I am liking it, just haven't figured out what is going on with the main character. I guess that's good, right?

Under the Dome by Stephen King
Still lovin' it. But oh my, there are some nasty things going on in this town that's 'under the dome' but I guess that's to be expected from Stephen King. 

What did you recently finish reading?

Weightless by Michele Gorman
I love Michele's stories and this is her newest short story. My thoughts are here and you can get it for FREE until February 14th. Check out my post for more information. 

White Lies by Emily Harper
What a fun, wonderful story. My thoughts will be posted soon.

What do you think you will read next?

One Day by David Nicholls
Reading this one for my book group. Probably not one I would have picked up on my own, but that's what book groups are all about, right, reading something outside our 'usual'.

What's on your WWW this week?

Leave me a comment and
I'll stop by to check out your reads.

Be sure to check the sidebar for my current giveaways!


  1. I dont have a post set up...=)
    but I'm finishing up "Brownies and Broomsticks" by Bailey Cates today.

  2. I really enjoyed One Day! I hope you like it too. Happy Reading Susan :-)

    1. Thanks for stopping Chrissi - I'm kind of late getting on these this week. I did enjoy it and am anxious to talk about it with my book group.

  3. I just snagged a copy of Weightless! Thanks! I hope to read it over the weekend.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Kristen. Glad you got a copy and I hope you enjoyed it.

  4. Hope you enjoy One Day! I loved it. Here's my link

  5. It took my sister four months to read Under the Dome but then again she isn't a big reader. I must borrow the book off her! I heard a lot of people die in it though :/

  6. I am reading the book called blowing on Dandelions by Miralee and it's a really good book. And then today I just st got the book called Birdie saves the World a love story by Grace Walton and it's very nicely written. Love it.

  7. Thanks for hopping by Book Bunny! I have some great books on my reading list right now. I am loving it!


Thanks SO much for leaving me a comment! Every single one means a whole lot to me!

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