The Oceanic Dreams Series...
...eight romantic comedy novellas
set on a Caribbean cruise.
This is an entertaining series, set on the Oceanic Aphrodite, a cruise ship full of entertainment—and maybe some love. Who knows? The eight books are scheduled to be released throughout the summer and will have you waiting with baited breath for the next one. Books 1-3 are already out but you can still catch up.
I've already read books 1 and 2 and I loved them!! They were so much fun and perfect for summertime reading. They are light and quick reads—just what I look for in the summer. I can't wait to read the rest!
And all of the story titles are song titles. Isn't that fun?
The Authors
Holly Kerr
Laura Heffernan
Tracy Krimmer
Kirsty McManus
Holly Tierney-Bedord
Delancey Stewart
Monique McDonell
Sophie-Leigh Robbins
Be sure to check the sidebar for all of my current giveaways
These look so fun and I'm always looking for some pool side reads. Thanks for sharing them!