Thursday, September 29, 2022
The Lost Girls of Willowbrook by Ellen Marie Wiseman ~ My Thoughts @EllenMarieWise #TheLostGirlsOfWillowbrook @KensingtonBooks
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Book Blitz! Whispers in the Waters by Sarah Chislon ~ Excerpt and #Giveaway! #WhispersInTheWaters @xpressotours

Whispers in the Waters by Sarah Chislon
Publication date: September 27th 2022
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Mystery
Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
I rounded a bend, and the slight woman I’d seen in the stratesman’s shadow when we’d arrived in Milburn stumbled down the lane, her gown of muslin streaked with dirt and littered with forest debris. She clutched a ragged silk shawl around her shoulders, as though it could shield her from notice.
Nelda, Mrs. Wilkins had called her. Her palm dripped blood, and tears streaked her cheeks. For a moment, I remained rooted in place. If the townsfolk were to be believed, Nelda had brought a vengeful attack against Melle and her family. But the downcast lines of her body spoke of brokenness and distress, not malice.
“Nelda?” I hoped she wouldn’t take offense at the use of her given name from a stranger. I hurried forward. “You’re hurt. What happened?”
“I . . . I don’t know.” Nelda lifted her hand and watched as blood wept from it, one drop after another splatting against the dusty surface of the road. The wound cut deep.
Could Mrs. Wilkins have been right when she’d suggested madness? I shifted the bundle of clothes from one arm to the other. “Can I accompany you home and find someone to tend your injury?”
She laughed, a wild, off-key sound. “Home? I have no home.”
“Then where are you staying?” I lowered my voice in an attempt to soothe her. “I’ll help you there and fetch an herbalist, if it suits you.”
“Staying? No one will house me. Not after what’s happened at the mill.” She jabbed toward the trees with her uninjured hand. “I stay in the forest. At least here, I’m close. Close to where home used to be.”
I drew in a sharp breath. To live in the forest, this close to a Crossing? It was unthinkable. Otherkind might lurk anywhere, not to mention natural predators. Had the entire town truly forsaken her, simply because she’d wed the wrong man and he’d abandoned her? Or was there more that I missed? Society offered swift condemnation for those who failed to abide by its strictures, but other than a poor choice in a husband, what wrong had she done?
She swayed, and I rushed to steady her. “You can’t stay out here. You need proper shelter and someone to look at your wound. Come with me into Milburn, and we’ll find an herbalist.”

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Tuesday, September 27, 2022
Release Day! A Brighter Flame by Christine Nolfi ~ My Thoughts #ABrighterFlame @christinenolfi #NetGalley
Monday, September 26, 2022
It's Monday! What Are You Reading? September 26, 2022 #IMWAY
Sunday, September 25, 2022
Release Day! The Promise of Christmas by Steena Holmes ~ My Thoughts #ThePromiseOfChristmas @steenaholmes
I absolutely love stories centered around the Christmas season. And I also love stories about small communities pulling together to make their town better. The Promise of Christmas has all of this and so much more.
I immediately fell in love with Ashley and this little community of Innsbruck. As Ashley struggles to keep her promise to the town she loves, she also struggles with the one person she is supposed to love. Will her decision make or break her marriage?
The Promise of Christmas has great characters and is wonderfully written. I found myself wishing I could become a part of the community and call these people my friends. I loved how the town pulled together to create their own little Christmas village. How amazing would that be—Christmas everyday?
Saturday, September 24, 2022
This OR That #Giveaway № 74 ~ The Recovery Agent by Janet Evanovich OR Unexpecting by Lori Verni-Fogarsi #TheRecoveryAgent #Unexpecting
(Gabriela Rose #1)
by Janet Evanovich
ARC ~ Published March 2022
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Release Day! The Matchmaker's Gift by Lynda Cohen Loigman ~ My Thoughts #TheMatchmakersGift @lyndacloigman #NetGalley @StMartinsPress
Monday, September 19, 2022
Other Birds by Sarah Addison Allen ~ My Thoughts #OtherBirds @SarahAddisonAll #NetGalley @StMartinsPress
It's Monday! What Are You Reading? September 19, 2022 #IMWAYR