Thursday, October 17, 2024

Release Day! A Wish in the Wind by Kay Bratt ~ My Thoughts #AWishInTheWind @kaybratt

Happy Release Day!

A Wish in the Wind by Kay Bratt
Women's Friendship Fiction, 116 pages
Published October 17, 2024 by Red Thread Publishing

Wishes in branches tied with string. Someone's hopes. Another's dreams.

It’s a new year and Linden Falls is a new place for Hunter Glenn and his daughter, Ava, to make a fresh start. When he goes to hang a wish on the tree in the center of town at the insistence of his daughter, a gust of wind strips it from his fingers and off it blows to somewhere who only knows. He’s not surprised. That pretty much sums up his life. It’s always been out of control.

Nicole is a long-term Linden Falls local who has recently gone through a welcome revelation that has changed her life forever. She’s looking forward to the new year now that she’s not alone. She wouldn’t dare wish for more good things, but when a slip of paper falls onto the tray she is using to serve a customer at the Crooked Porch, she might just find out that fate has even more in store for her.

My thoughts about A Wish in the Wind ~~

(I love to note the first lines of the books I'm reading. First lines can really grab a reader's attention and I love seeing where the author takes the reader after their first line.)

First line—"Sunday afternoons were meant for steaming mugs of tea and long, slow conversations."

I haven't read a book by Kay Bratt that I haven't totally enjoyed. I fall in love with her characters and the places she creates.  

A Wish in the Wind is a quick, lovely story centering around Hunter and his daughter, Ava. Hunter picked Linden Falls as a place to start over and heal. The community embraces this duo and the warm feelings they experienced hopped off of the pages and into my heart. We should all be so lucky to find someplace a beautiful and welcoming as Linden Falls. 

I loved this story so much and it was the perfect escape read that I needed right now. I highly recommend this book, as well as this whole series. And if you haven't read anything by Kay Bratt, that really needs to change! 

Kay's newest book, A Wish in the Wind, is book 17 in The Wishing Tree Series. The books in the series are by different authors and I have read a few of them. I love that I'm taken back to a community that I have come to love and get to meet new characters. It's also a way to 'try out' new-to-me authors. I noticed that three other books in the series are also being released on the 17th. I'll be checking those out, for sure!

I received an ARC of A Wish in the Wind from the author and this is my honest opinion of the book. 


About the author

Kay Bratt; Writer, Rescuer, Wanderer

As a writer, Kay used writing to help her navigate a tumultuous childhood, followed by a decade of abuse as an adult. After working her way through the hard years, Kay emerged a survivor and a pursuer of peace--and finally found the courage to share her stories. She is the author of more than a dozen full length books, with ten of those published by Lake Union Publishing. Kay writes women's fiction and historical fiction, and her books have fueled many exciting book club discussions. Her works have been translated into German, Korean, Chinese, Czechoslovakian, and Estonian.

As a rescuer, Kay currently focuses her efforts on animal rescue and is the Director of Advocacy for Yorkie Rescue of the Carolinas. As a child advocate, she spent a number of years volunteering in a Chinese orphanage, as well as provided assistance for several nonprofit organizations that support children in China, including An Orphan's Wish (AOW), Pearl River Outreach, and Love Without Boundaries. In the USA, she actively served as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for abused and neglected children in Georgia, and spear-headed numerous outreach programs for underprivileged children in the South Carolina area.

As a wanderer, Kay has lived in nearly three dozen different homes, on two continents and in states from coast to coast in the USA. She's traveled to Mexico, Thailand, Malaysia, China, Philippines, Central America, Bahamas, and Australia. Currently she and her soulmate of more than 25 years enjoy life in their forever home on the banks of Lake Hartwell in Georgia, USA.

Kay has been described as southern, spicy, and a little sassy. Social media forces her to overshare and you don't want to miss some of the antics that goes on with her and the Bratt Pack.

Find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and then buckle up and enjoy the ride. You can find a full list of her published works at -- To be notified when new books are released, please sign up for my monthly email newsletter at or at this link:

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