Sunday, July 10, 2011

The D Word by Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke

Jordan Daniels and Elle Ryan thought their lives would become less complicated when they walked away from their respective relationships one year ago. But instead, they find themselves vying for a relationship with the same divorced man.

As a spiritual counselor, newly single mother Jordan Daniels makes her living predicting other people’s futures. If only she could foresee her own. A year after filing for divorce from her husband, Kevin, he seems to be the one moving on effortlessly, while Jordan still can’t bring herself to fill his old underwear drawer. But it’s not until Jordan’s polar opposite, Elle steals Kevin’s heart, that Jordan becomes convinced she’ll be replaced both as a wife and a mother to her five-year-old son, Max.

When Elle met Kevin, the last thing she wanted was another relationship. Especially not with a man with baggage-she already had enough of her own. She left her fiancé, Chase right before their wedding to avoid the imminent D word, something she’s convinced runs in her family like a disease. But a year later, she’s no closer to becoming less skeptical about marriage. And despite her attachment to Kevin and his son, when Elle sees just how far Jordan’s willing to go to win Kevin back, Elle starts to question if she should have left Chase in the first place.

In The D Word you’ll walk in the shoes of Jordan and Elle as they discover that sometimes you’re not that different from the person who makes you feel the most insecure. ~~synopsis from Goodreads 

This is a great book. The subject could be rather depressing; a divorce, a break-up right before a wedding, and all of the characters trying to put the pieces of their lives back together. But it is very well written with humor and wisdom scattered throughout the book.

The story is told using the point-of-view of both Jordan and Elle, the ex-wife and the new girlfriend. You get an understanding of what it is like to be on both sides of what can be a messy situation. You also get a little of the guy's points-of-view, which gives the reader the perspective of divorce and break-ups from all sides.

One strong point that I think the authors try to make is that communication is the key to making relationships work, even if it means that the relationship has to end. When Jordan and Elle started communicating with those in their lives, issues were resolved and life could go on, they could get past the messy stuff.

This is the first book that I have read by Liz and Lisa. I have followed their blog for a while now and it is a great one. These 2 gals seem to have such a great relationship and they sound like they would be tons of fun to be around. I will definitely read any other books that they write!  

Authors website

1 comment:

  1. Susan,

    Thank you so much for this lovely review!


    Liz & Lisa


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