Monday, August 5, 2024

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? August 5, 2024 #IMWAYR


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. It's an opportunity to visit other blogs and to comment on their reads. And ... you can add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are! 


Gosh, ya just gotta love the weather in South Dakota. Last week we saw temps in the mid to upper 90s and now this week, we are going to be in the mid 70s. I'm not ready for fall just yet but I don't like the really hot temps. Hubs and I are looking at maybe going camping later this week, probably just in time for the temperatures to go up again. Sigh. Luckily we have an RV so if it gets really hot, I'll be the spoiled camper, sitting inside with the AC on. 😜

I'm sort of caught up with my review list for August so I think I'm going to take this opportunity to enjoy some of my personal books—some mood reading. I love when that happens. 

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you all have a good week. 
Happy reading!

What I'm currently reading

By Any Other Name
by Jodi Picoult
eARC from NetGalley
Pub date  - August 20

The Lost Art of Mixing
by Erica Bauermeister
paperback from my collection
Published January 2013

The Memory Keeper's Daughter
by Kim Edwards
audio-book from my collection
Published June 2005

What I recently finished

A Summer of Surprises
by Judith Keim
print from my collection for a challenge
Published June 2020

House of Glass
by Sarah Pekkanen
eARC from NetGalley
Pub date ~ August 6

What I am going to read next

The Women
by Kristin Hannah
print borrowed from my neighbor
Published February 2024

I really love my reading life!

What are you reading this week?


Be sure to check the sidebar for all of my current giveaways!


  1. Hmm I am sitting here on a chilly morning wrapped in a quilt as I browse around the blogs. Even so I don't want our summer to arrive. You have some great looking books, if you go camping should be some good reading time.

    1. Reading wrapped up in a quilt sounds wonderful too. I have an electric fireplace in my library so that's where I am most of the time when the weather turns cold.

  2. The Lost Art of Mixing sounds lovely, I hope you're enjoying it :) Camping in an RV sounds way more fun to me than being in a tent not gonna lie haha!

    1. I tired the tent camping deal and did not enjoy it.... at all. Hoping this will be better.

      The Lost Art of Mixing was just meh. The first book in this series was much better so I had high hopes for this one. I usually love her books.


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