Happy Release Day!!

The Rowdy Coyote Rumble
Series: Jackrabbit Junction Humorous Mystery #4
Kindle Edition, 404 pages
Published January 31st 2016 by Ann Charles
A dust devil of mystery and mayhem pulls Claire into a storm full of rowdy sisters, ominous threats, relationship snafus, and a dangerous mine that could be a treasure trove of trouble. It’s only a matter of time before this rumble turns into an all-out calamity!
I LOVE Ann Charles' Deadwood series. This is book #4 from another one of her series which I hate to admit I have not read yet. They are definitely on my TBR list. I love her sense of humor and her hilarious spin on mysteries. I know I will love these. You should give her a try.
A hot blast of frustration made her start to sweat. She snorted, her hackles getting up in arms with flaming torches. “Oh, yeah? You mean while you were traveling in luxury all over the God’s green earth buying expensive old cars, and I was here in your hot stinky bar sweating and puking in between serving drinks to lonely cowboys and weary miners?”
His lips twitched. “Yes, Kate, while I was traveling.”
Oh, she double-dog dared him to laugh at her. “Please, do share these grand thoughts that are so important you had to burst into the Ladies Room to tell me.”
“I’ve changed my mind.”
“About what?” Her temper was racing out of control yet again, the reigns ripped clear out of her hands. “Whether Pluto should be classified as a planet or what beers we’re keeping on tap this holiday season?”
Dear Lord of the Rings, what was wrong with her? Who was this mad woman in her head running around screaming obscenities? Was this what stumbling down the rabbit hole into insanity felt like?
Butch’s hands snaked out, catching her off guard. He hauled her against him, his mouth coming down fast before she could even think about pulling away. By the time her brain caught up with her present situation, she was kissing him back, damn it.
As she melted against him, his touch softened. His lips became gentle and coaxing, his hands caressing a moan out of her. Hells bells, she’d missed him. She lifted her arms and draped them around his neck.
About the author

Ann Charles is a USA Today Best-Selling author who writes award-winning mysteries that are splashed with humor, romance, and whatever else sounds fun.
Currently, she has several fiction books available: NEARLY DEPARTED IN DEADWOOD (multiple award-winning book for both mystery and romance/mystery), OPTICAL DELUSIONS IN DEADWOOD, DEAD CASE IN DEADWOOD (selected as one of Suspense Magazine's BEST OF 2012 books), BETTER OFF DEAD IN DEADWOOD, AN EX TO GRIND IN DEADWOOD, and MEANWHILE, BACK IN DEADWOOD, which are all part of her ongoing Deadwood Mystery Series.
Also available from Ann are the first three books in her Jackrabbit Junction Mystery Series: DANCE OF THE WINNEBAGOS, JACKRABBIT JUNCTION JITTERS, and THE GREAT JACKALOPE STAMPEDE.
LOOK WHAT THE WIND BLEW IN, the first book in her new Dig Site Mystery series, is now listed on Amazon, too. This book stars Quint Parker, the brother of Violet Parker--the heroine in her Deadwood Mystery series. It's filled with mystery, humor, adventure, and a splash of romance.
She has a couple of short stories as well--DEADWOOD SHORTS: SEEING TROUBLE and BOOT POINTS (short stories from her Deadwood Mystery Series) and THE OLD MAN'S BACK IN TOWN (a short story from her upcoming Goldwash Mystery Series).
A member of Sisters in Crime and Romance Writers of America for many moons, Ann has a B.A. in English with an emphasis on creative writing from the University of Washington. She is currently toiling away on her next book, wishing she was on a Mexican beach with an ice-cold Corona in one hand and her Kindle in the other. When she is not dabbling in fiction, she is arm wrestling with her two kids, attempting to seduce her husband, and arguing with her sassy cat. Most nights, you can find her hanging out over at www.anncharles.com, on Facebook as Ann Charles, or as AnnWCharles on Twitter.
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