Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Release Day Book Blitz! Cold-Blooded Liar by Karen Rose ~ Excerpt #ColdBloodedLiar @KarenRoseBooks @penguinrandom

Cold-Blooded Liar by Karen Rose
(San Diego #1)
Mystery, Thriller, Romantic Suspense
Publication date: February 28, 2023 by Berkley Books

Brace yourself for a scorching new series from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Karen Rose, where San Diego means sun, surf, sand…and serial killers.

Sam Reeves is a kindhearted psychologist who treats court-ordered clients. After one of his patients—a pathological liar—starts revealing plausible new details from a long-unsolved serial murder case, he’s compelled to report anonymously to the SDPD tip line, though his attempts to respect patient confidentiality land him facedown and cuffed by the aggressive (and cute) Detective McKittrick.

San Diego homicide detective Kit McKittrick loves the water. She lives on a boat, and when she’s not solving crimes with the SDPD, she’s assisting her foster sister with her charter fishing business or playing with her poodle. But there’s nothing that intrigues Kit more than a cold case, so when an anonymous caller leads her on the path of a wanted killer, she’s determined to end the decade-long manhunt.

Sam is soon released but goes home with both a newfound distaste for the SDPD and a resolve—not unlike Kit’s—to uncover the truth. Kit and Sam repeatedly butt heads in their separate investigations but are forced to work together to find one of the deadliest serial killers the city has faced in years.



Longview Park, San Diego, California

Monday, April 4, 5:30 p.m.

Kit pulled the handkerchief across her nose and mouth as she watched the two CSU techs meticulously uncovering what was, indeed, a grave. Based on the odor, the body had been there awhile.

They'd arrived at the mystery caller's coordinates to find that the ground had settled somewhat, creating a slight depression that measured five and a half by two and a half feet.

Ground-penetrating radar had shown a body.

The victim had been small.

Kit slipped her hand into her pocket, finding the little cat-bird figurine. Stroking it with her thumb. Please don't be a child.

"I hope it's not a kid," Baz murmured, echoing her thoughts.

All homicides were difficult. Even drug dealers murdered on the street had been loved by someone. Were missed by someone.

But the child homicides were a completely different level of hell.

She looked away from the grave to where Sergeant Ryland, the CSU leader, was making a plaster cast of the only footprint they'd found in the area. It was a man's shoe, size eleven.

"You got anything for us, Ryland?" she called.

"I just might."

She and Baz walked from the grave site to where someone had stepped off the asphalt path, leaving the single footprint in the strip of ground between the path and the field of grass.

Ryland finished pouring the plaster over the footprint, smoothed it out, then set the timer on his phone. "Thirty minutes for the plaster to set. Come see the photos I took of the print while I wait." He retrieved his camera and beckoned them closer. "There was lettering on the sole of the shoe-likely a brand name. I can't quite make it out in the photo, but I'm hoping to get detail from the plaster cast."

"So it'll be seventy-two hours or so," Baz said and Ryland nodded.

Kit leaned closer to the screen. "Can you zoom in on it?"

Ryland did, handing the camera to Kit. "I can make out what looks like a Y at the end of the brand name, but-"

"Sperry," Kit said. "Sorry to interrupt, Sergeant. I recognize the logo. They're Sperry Top-Siders." She gave him back his camera. "My sister runs a charter fishing business and sometimes I first mate for her on my days off. A lot of her customers wear them."

Ryland studied the photo. "You could be right."

She was, Kit was certain. "Trouble is, that's a popular shoe. I've even got a pair."

"So do I," Baz said. "Tracking those will be nearly impossible."

Kit shrugged. "But when we find the guy who owns these shoes, we can put him at the scene. Any way to get a weight estimate on the wearer?"

Ryland shook his head. "Ground's too hard. Barely enough sinkage to get the plaster cast. I'll let you know when I have something definite."

"Detectives?" one of the techs at the grave called, his tone urgent. "Something over here you need to see."

"Thank you, Sergeant," Kit said, then approached the grave alongside Baz, schooling her expression. If it was a child's grave, she would maintain her professionalism. She'd let herself react later, when she was alone.

"Victim's a postpubescent female," the tech said when they were graveside. "The ME will be able to give you a better age than I can, but I'm guessing somewhere between fourteen and eighteen."

Feeling Baz's eyes on her, Kit reassured him with a quick glance. She was fine.

He always worried about her reaction when the victim was the same age that Wren had been when she'd been murdered, but after four years as a homicide detective, Kit had seen far too many victims who'd been Wren's age. It never got easier.

She hoped that it never would.

Excerpted from Cold-Blooded Liar by Karen Rose Copyright © 2023 by Karen Rose. Excerpted by permission of Berkley. All rights reserved. 


Praise for the novels of New York Times bestselling author Karen Rose

“Riveting. Emotional. Karen Rose at her best.”—New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan

“High-wire suspense that keeps you riveted.”—New York Times bestselling author Lisa Gardner

“A high-octane thrill ride that kept me on the edge of my seat and up far too late at night!”—New York Times bestselling author Lisa Jackson

About the author

Karen Rose is the award-winning, #1 international bestselling author of more than twenty-five novels, including the bestselling Baltimore and Cincinnati series. She has been translated into twenty-three languages, and her books have placed on the New York Times, the Sunday Times (UK), and Germany’s der Spiegel bestseller lists.

Connect with Karen

Website | Facebook | Instagram | TwitterGoodreads


Be sure to check the sidebar for all of my current giveaways!

Monday, February 27, 2023

Book Blitz! She, You, I by Sally Keeble ~ Excerpt and #Giveaway! #SheYouI @XpressoTours


She, You, I by Sally Keeble
Publication date: January 11th 2023
Genres: Adult, Contemporary

An emotional page-turner of a story about a family torn apart by the legacy of war that asks the question: what happens to the hurt we can’t forget?

When Skye Stanhope returns to her grandmother’s childhood home, she’s searching for the roots of her life story. Why her tough-minded granny ran away to war. And why her brilliant mother died.

Behind the women’s successes, lies deep trauma. As Skye strips away the layers of secrecy, she confronts their inner torments: forces that bound the women together, but also tore them apart. It’s a journey from a poverty-stricken tenement block to an airbase in wartime Suffolk, through boom-time London to a coffee cart beside the sea.

Woven into the women’s lives is Tseng Hsiao Ling, a feisty, enigmatic seamstress whose fortunes become inextricably linked with theirs.

It’s a sweeping tale of love, war and family secrets over three generations.

Through each woman’s story, She, You, I holds up a mirror to the complexity of family relationships: mothers, sisters, daughters, and the unexpected twists in Skye’s search for closure.

Goodreads | Amazon




Maisie’s story

She was safe under the bed. Metal strips above, bare boards below, her father’s tin trunk behind—name, rank, number engraved on its lid. “All you need to know about a man,” her father said. A blanket hung over the edge of the bed. Maisie lay behind it and clenched her fists against her chest to keep in the fear.

Tonight was bad.



Shouts from the kitchen. Them fighting. She curled up and squeezed her eyes shut, covered her ears to make it stop. Anything to make it stop.

“You’re my wife.”

A scream from the kitchen ran through her body. And then another, and another, until the whole night became a scream. She tried to block it out, but she couldn’t. It was inside her ears, inside her head. She was the scream. And then it stopped. She took her hands from her ears and listened. Nothing. Silence.

Maisie lifted the blanket and peered into the room. Gaslight from the street spilt over the tattered strip of net curtain nailed across the window. It glinted off the broken mirror above the empty fireplace, touched the two best chairs on their square of worn carpet, and lit up the locked front door out to the landing of the tenement.

In the far corner was the door into the other room, the kitchen. A spindly table stood next to the door, with a piece of lacey cloth draped over it, “To hide its legs,” her mother said, and on it was china figurine of a man in a kilt with a lamb around his neck and a dog at his feet.

Beside the figurine was a photograph in a round frame of pleated cloth. Her mother, Flora, her hair swept up into a chignon and set with glittery jewels—only glass, she said—sat on a chair and behind her stood a soldier, uniformed, his face unmarked, handsome, with jet-black hair and a wide moustache that curled up at the ends like a smile. Her father, Simon. One arm was crocked behind him, the other stretched along the back of the chair, cradling her mother, and the greys of their clothes swirled around the whites of their faces and blended into the beige of the fabric that enclosed them.

The night the glass in the frame got broken wasn’t as bad as this.

About the author

Sally writes novels about the things she’s passionate about—the triumphs and tragedies of people’s lives, their families and life stories.

It’s what originally took her into journalism and then politics, in the UK and beyond. She spent her early years in the USA, Switzerland and Australia, returning to the UK after working as a journalist in South Africa. After serving as an MP, she worked in international development and travelled widely, especially in Africa and South Asia.

She, You, I is her first novel. She’s written nonfiction previously. Sally splits her time between Northampton and Bawdsey, a village in coastal Suffolk.

Connect with Sally

Website | Facebook | Instagram


Be sure to check the sidebar for all of my current giveaways!

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? February 27, 2023 #IMWAYR


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. It's an opportunity to visit other blogs and to comment on their reads. And ... you can add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are! 


Thanks for stopping by. I hope you all have a good week. 
Happy reading!

What I'm currently reading

Moonlight on the Lido Deck
by Violet Howe
Pub date ~ March 1

The Wild Birds
by Emily Strelow
print from my TBR shelves

This Place of Wonder
by Barbara O'Neal
Narrated by Coleen Marlo, Amy Landon, & Alaska Jackson
 audio-book from my TBR shelves

What I recently finished

The Midnight Library
by Matt Haig
e-book from my TBR shelf

The Beautiful Misfits
by Susan Reinhardt

print ARC
Pub date ~ March 7

Scent of Magnolia
by Ashley Farley
Pub date ~ March 15

The Forgetting Time
by Sharon Guskin
Narrated by Susan Bennett & David Pittu
audio-book from my shelves

What I am going to read next

The Almost Moon
by Alice Sebold
Print from my TBR shelves

I really love my reading life!

What are you reading this week?


Be sure to check the sidebar for all of my current giveaways!

Saturday, February 25, 2023

This OR That #Giveaway № 93 ~ Frankenstein's Monster by Susan Heyboer O'Keefe OR A Fifty-Year Silence by Miranda Richmond Mouillot #FrankensteinsMonster #AFiftyYearSilence


I have sooooo many books!

The This or That Giveaway! feature that I post every Saturday is a way for me to cull my collection and to share some of the many books I have. I get to clear off some of my shelves to make room for more books and give someone else the chance to enjoy these treasures.

Good luck and be sure to stop back next week!


Frankenstein's Monster
by Susan Heyboer O'Keefe
ARC ~ Pub date October 2010

Behind me, stiffened with frost, lie the remains of Victor Frankenstein.

What becomes of a monster without its maker? At the end of Mary Shelley’s classic novel, the creator dies but his creation still lives, cursed to a life of isolation and hatred.

Frankenstein’s Monster continues the creature’s story as he’s compelled to discover his humanity, to escape the ship captain who vowed to the dying Frankenstein to hunt him down—and to resist the woman who would destroy them all.

This is a tale of passion, revenge, violence, and madness—and the desperate search for meaning in an often meaningless world.


A Fifty-Year Silence: Love, War, and a Ruined House in France
by Miranda Richmond Mouillot
ARC ~ Published January 2015

A young woman moves across an ocean to uncover the truth about her grandparents' mysterious estrangement and pieces together the extraordinary story of their wartime experiences
In 1948, after surviving World War II by escaping Nazi-occupied France for refugee camps in Switzerland, the author's grandparents, Anna and Armand, bought an old stone house in a remote, picturesque village in the South of France. Five years later, Anna packed her bags and walked out on Armand, taking the typewriter and their children. Aside from one brief encounter, the two never saw or spoke to each other again, never remarried, and never revealed what had divided them forever.

A Fifty-Year Silence is the deeply involving account of Miranda Richmond Mouillot's journey to find out what happened between her grandmother, a physician, and her grandfather, an interpreter at the Nuremberg Trials, who refused to utter his wife's name aloud after she left him.  To discover the roots of their embittered and entrenched silence, Miranda abandons her plans for the future and moves to their stone house, now a crumbling ruin; immerses herself in letters, archival materials, and secondary sources; and teases stories out of her reticent, and declining, grandparents.  As she reconstructs how Anna and Armand braved overwhelming odds and how the knowledge her grandfather acquired at Nuremberg destroyed their relationship, Miranda wrestles with the legacy of trauma, the burden of history, and the complexities of memory.  She also finds herself learning how not only to survive but to thrive – making a home in the village and falling in love.

With warmth, humor, and rich, evocative details that bring her grandparents' outsize characters and their daily struggles vividly to life, A Fifty-Year Silence is a heartbreaking, uplifting love story spanning two continents and three generations.



Be sure to check the sidebar for my current giveaways! 

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Release Day! Caroline, Adrift by Kay Bratt ~ My Thoughts #CarolineAdrift @kaybratt

Happy Release Day!

Congrats Kay
on the release today of
Caroline, Adrift!

Caroline, Adrift by Kay Bratt
Friendship Fiction, 168 pages
Published February 22, 2023 by Red Thread Publishing Group

Set sail to new adventures and escapes with eight best-selling authors in the exciting Sail Away series!

After the death of her beloved James, one woman faces a future of feeling adrift and must find a reason to go on without the love of her life, from the bestselling author of Wish Me Home.

When Caroline McClellan’s beloved husband passes away, she doesn’t know what to do with herself without him as her center and reason for being. Caroline’s three adult daughters insist that she accompany them on the cruise that was supposed to mark her fiftieth wedding anniversary. Caroline is a reluctant participant and sure she will not find any joy in a voyage that was supposed to be a celebration but without her husband, feels like a chore.

Betty Martelle is an interesting woman who takes life by the horns and makes it her goal to find purpose in every day that she is still allowed to breathe. Fate will bring a new friend into her life and give her an opportunity to find a way to break through a barrier of grief to share her gift of spontaneity and finding joy in the little things.

Set on a cruise to the lush island of Maui, Caroline Adrift is an emotional friendship story of two women brought together by fate. One is adrift when it comes to finding meaning in life, and the other is determined to be a beacon of hope and teach her how to do it.

Join Kay Bratt, International Bestselling author, as she brings the latest book in The Sail Away series to life, featuring a heart-warming story of love and loss, and the gift of friendship.

My thoughts about Caroline, Adrift ~ 

(I love to note the first lines of the books I'm reading. First lines can really grab a reader's attention and I love seeing where the author takes the reader after their first line.)

First line—"Mark Twain once said that wrinkles indicate where smiles have been, but Caroline McClellan could only see the harshness of her wrinkles in the reflection of the window and didn't think she'd ever know another smile again. Or at least, not a genuine one." 

I am a huge, huge fan of Kay Bratt's stories and love it when she has another book out. Caroline, Adrift did not disappoint. I have loved all of the stories in the Sail Away series, if nothing else than for the fact that I get to take little mini cruises with some wonderful characters. And this one will probably be one of my favorites. 

Caroline is just going through the motions of life after her husband passes away. Her daughters convince her to go away on a cruise with them. She goes reluctantly, just to appease them. The people she meets on the cruise, one woman in particular, help Caroline get a new focus on life and help her figure out how she needs to move forward from where she's at now. Women friends are the best, aren't they?

Along with the great characters in the story, this cruise takes us to the beautiful island of Maui and all that glorious scenery. I felt like I was there enjoying the spectacular surroundings. And it was heartwarming being able to watch Caroline find herself and come out better on the other side, as she goes on with life after her loss.

I highly recommend Caroline, Adrift, as well as this whole series, as an escape and as a way to experience the fun of a cruise or two, or eight. 

I received a copy of Caroline, Adrift from the author and this is my honest opinion.

About the author

Kay Bratt; Writer, Rescuer, Wanderer

As a writer, Kay used writing to help her navigate a tumultuous childhood, followed by a decade of abuse as an adult. After working her way through the hard years, Kay emerged a survivor and a pursuer of peace--and finally found the courage to share her stories. She is the author of more than a dozen full length books, with ten of those published by Lake Union Publishing. Kay writes women's fiction and historical fiction, and her books have fueled many exciting book club discussions. Her works have been translated into German, Korean, Chinese, Czechoslovakian, and Estonian.

As a rescuer, Kay currently focuses her efforts on animal rescue and is the Director of Advocacy for Yorkie Rescue of the Carolinas. As a child advocate, she spent a number of years volunteering in a Chinese orphanage, as well as provided assistance for several nonprofit organizations that support children in China, including An Orphan's Wish (AOW), Pearl River Outreach, and Love Without Boundaries. In the USA, she actively served as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for abused and neglected children in Georgia, and spear-headed numerous outreach programs for underprivileged children in the South Carolina area.

As a wanderer, Kay has lived in nearly three dozen different homes, on two continents and in states from coast to coast in the USA. She's traveled to Mexico, Thailand, Malaysia, China, Philippines, Central America, Bahamas, and Australia. Currently she and her soulmate of more than 25 years enjoy life in their forever home on the banks of Lake Hartwell in Georgia, USA.

Kay has been described as southern, spicy, and a little sassy. Social media forces her to overshare and you don't want to miss some of the antics that goes on with her and the Bratt Pack. 

Find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and then buckle up and enjoy the ride. You can find a full list of her published works at www.kaybratt.com -- To be notified when new books are released, please sign up for my monthly email newsletter at www.kaybratt.com ~ Goodreads

Connect with Kay


Get ready to set sail on the trip of a lifetime! Eight amazing authors have come together to create this fun series, each book set on a cruise ship but with individual stories and characters. I have read a few of these authors, and love them already. Some are new-to-me authors but I'm excited to give their books a try. 

Welcome Aboard contains the prologue to each story so the reader can get a taste of the story before it comes out. I have to admit that I am intrigued by all of them and can't wait to read all of the stories. Some of the characters have already grabbed my heart. 

You can snag Welcome Aboard for free right now. Check it out and then sit back and wait in anticipation for each release, like I will be. I know it's going to be fun!

Welcome Aboard is available for FREE on Amazon.
Get your copy now and get started on this fabulous series!


★ Don’t miss a Sail Away book! ★

Book 1: Welcome Aboard – prologue book

Book 2: The Sound of the Sea by Jessie Newton

Book 3: Uncharted Waters by Tammy L. Grace

Book 4: A Not So Distant Shore by Ev Bishop

Book 5: Caroline, Adrift by Kay Bratt

Book 6: Moonlight On the Lido Deck by Violet Howe

Book 7: The Winning Tickets by Judith Keim

Book 8: Lost At Sea by Patricia Sands

Book 9: The Last Port of Call by Elizabeth Bromke 


Be sure to check the sidebar for all of my current giveaways!

Monday, February 20, 2023

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? February 20, 2023 #IMWAYR


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. It's an opportunity to visit other blogs and to comment on their reads. And ... you can add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are! 


Thanks for stopping by. I hope you all have a good week. 
Happy reading!

What I'm currently reading

Scent of Magnolia
by Ashley Farley
Pub date ~ March 15

The Beautiful Misfits
by Susan Reinhardt
print ARC
Pub date ~ March 7

The Forgetting Time
by Sharon Guskin
Narrated by Susan Bennett & David Pittu
audio-book from my shelves

What I recently finished

Lost at Sea
by Patricia Sands
Pub date ~ March 15

The Last Beekeeper
by Julie Carrick Dalton
print ARC
Pub date ~ March 7

The Winning Tickets
by Judith Keim
Pub date ~ March 8

What I am going to read next

I'm not sure just yet. I'm waiting for a couple of e-ARCs for March and if I don't get them by the time I'm done with my current reads, I'll just pick something off of my TBR bookshelves. 

I really love my reading life!

What are you reading this week?


Be sure to check the sidebar for all of my current giveaways!

Saturday, February 18, 2023

This OR That #Giveaway № 92 ~ Matched by Ally Condie OR The Weird Sisters by Eleanor Brown #Matched #TheWeirdSisters


I have sooooo many books!

The This or That Giveaway! feature that I post every Saturday is a way for me to cull my collection and to share some of the many books I have. I get to clear off some of my shelves to make room for more books and give someone else the chance to enjoy these treasures.

Good luck and be sure to stop back next week!


(Matched #1)
by Ally Condie
Paperback ~ Pub date September 2011

In the Society, officials decide. Who you love. Where you work. When you die.

Cassia has always trusted their choices. It’s hardly any price to pay for a long life, the perfect job, the ideal mate. So when her best friend appears on the Matching screen, Cassia knows with complete certainty that he is the one…until she sees another face flash for an instant before the screen fades to black. Now Cassia is faced with impossible choices: between Xander and Ky, between the only life she’s known and a path no one else has ever dared follow—between perfection and passion.

Matched is a story for right now and storytelling with the resonance of a classic. 


The Weird Sisters
by Eleanor Brown
Paperback ~ Published February 2012

There is no problem that a library card can't solve. [Love this first line!]

The Andreas family is one of readers. Their father, a renowned Shakespeare professor who speaks almost entirely in verse, has named his three daughters after famous Shakespearean women. When the sisters return to their childhood home, ostensibly to care for their ailing mother, but really to lick their wounds and bury their secrets, they are horrified to find the others there. See, we love each other. We just don't happen to like each other very much. 

But the sisters soon discover that everything they've been running from-one another, their small hometown, and themselves-might offer more than they ever expected. 



Be sure to check the sidebar for my current giveaways! 

Friday, February 17, 2023

Tell Me One Thing by Kerri Schlottman ~ My Thoughts #TellMeOneThing @KerriLeeJC @LauraMariePR @RegalHouse1

Congrats Kerri
on the recent release of
Tell Me One Thing!

Tell Me One Thing by Kerri Schlottman
Coming of Age Fiction, 217 pages
Published January 31, 2023 by Regal House Publishing

An atmospheric debut novel that spans place and time, Kerri Schlottman’s Tell Me One Thing examines power, privilege, and the sacrifices one is willing to make to succeed. Against the backdrop of a rural Pennsylvania trailer park, and the complicated world of Manhattan during the AIDS epidemic, it delves into New York City’s free-for-all grittiness while exposing a neglected slice of the struggling rust belt, traversing decades from the 1980s up to present day.

Outside a Pennsylvania motel, nine-year-old Lulu smokes a cigarette while sitting on the lap of a trucker. Recent art grad Quinn is passing through town and captures it. The photograph, later titled “Lulu & the Trucker,” launches Quinn’s career, escalating her from a starving artist to a renowned photographer. In a parallel life, Lulu struggles to survive a volatile home, growing up too quickly in an environment wrought with drug abuse and her mother’s prostitution.

Decades later, when Quinn has a retrospective at the Whitney Museum of Art and “Lulu & the Trucker” has sold at auction for a record-breaking amount, Lulu is surprised to find the troubling image of her young self in the newspaper. She attends an artist talk for the exhibition with one question in mind for Quinn: Why didn’t you help me all those years ago?

While writing, Kerri Schlottman—who has a background in art and writes from a place of authenticity —was inspired by Mary Ellen Mark’s famous 1990 photograph, “Amanda and Her Cousin Amy,” which depicts nine-year-old Amanda smoking a cigarette in a kiddie pool in rural North Carolina.

Upon Mark's death in 2015, NPR interviewed Amanda and asked her why she allowed herself to be photographed. Her reply was: “I thought, ‘Hey, people will see me, I'll get attention, it will perhaps change things for me.’ I thought it might be a way to get out, but that was not the case.”

Weaving back and forth between Lulu’s and Quinn’s perspectives, Tell Me One Thing explores life-shaping moments in each of their stories—doubt, love, pain, and ambition—and unknowingly links one to another through a fierce determination to better their circumstances.

Brimming with characters that won’t soon leave you, Tell Me One Thing captures a portrait of two Americas by an exciting up-and-coming writer to watch.

My thoughts about Tell Me One Thing ~~

(I love to note the first lines of the books I'm reading. First lines can really grab a reader's attention and I love seeing where the author takes the reader after their first line.)

First line—"Quinn looks around at the installation, pleased with the result of weeks of  work and over a year of preparation."

Two people, two tough living situations, and the one thing that bonds the two of them together. Tell Me One Thing explores the lives of struggling artist Quinn and nine year old Lulu, who connected one afternoon when Quinn asked to take Lulu's picture. As the story progresses, we witness the hard lives they both endured. Told in alternating voices, we are privy to the downhill spirals they both seem to be on. 

Tell Me One Thing drew me into the worlds of these two people and captivated me as I witnessed their struggles and their growth. This is a beautifully written story that will stick with me for a long time. This is Kerri Schlottman's debut novel and I'm excited to see what she writes next. 

I received a ARC of Tell Me One Thing and this is my honest opinion.

About the author

Kerri Schlottman is a Detroiter turned New Yorker who works to support artists, performers, and writers in creating new projects. Her fiction and essays have appeared in The Dillydoun Review, Belle Ombre, Women Writers Women’s Books, Muse Apprentice Guild, and The Furnace. She placed second in the Dillydoun International Fiction Prize, has been longlisted for the Dzanc Books Prize for Fiction, and was a 2021 University of New Orleans Press Lab Prize semifinalist. 

You can find her at www.kerrischlottman.com, on Twitter @KerriLeeJC or Instagram @kerri.schlottman.

Connect with Kerri


Be sure to check the sidebar for all of my current giveaways!

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