Happy Release Day!!

Beach Bliss
Beach Bliss by Joanne DeMaio
Kindle Edition, 294 pages
Published: March 6th 2018 by Joanne DeMaio
Have a seaside seat with the beach friends in this irresistible novel from New York Times bestselling author Joanne DeMaio.
Blue skies and smooth seas return to the coastal community of Stony Point. Until a new arrival in this little New England beach town sets forth a competition like no other. As the temperature rises beneath the summer sun, so do the antics and good-natured fun.
Join Jason Barlow, Maris, Kyle, Elsa and the rest of the gang for another unforgettable season at the shore. The sound of gulls and lapping waves are calling you to the page ... for a summer read that's purely Beach Bliss.
Congratulations Joanne
on the release today of
Beach Bliss!
About the author

For a complete list of books and to learn more about the author, visit Joannedemaio.com. She also enjoys hearing from readers on her Facebook Page.
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