Monday, September 16, 2024

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? September 16, 2024 #IMWAYR


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. It's an opportunity to visit other blogs and to comment on their reads. And ... you can add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are! 


Pretty uneventful week here. The weather is getting cooler, definitely moving into fall. I'm a Nebraska Cornhusker 🏈 fan, born and raised in NE, so I have been enjoying watching them win this year, after many, many years of not winning very many games. It's fun watching them do so well. Hope it continues!

I've started reading Great Expectations. I read it in middle school, or early high school maybe, and remember loving it. I've had it on my TBR list for a long time and am finally diving into it. It'll be interesting to see what I think of it now. Do you have a book from your past that you want to re-read?

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you all have a good week. 
Happy reading!

What I'm currently reading

Immersion: A Linguist's Memoir
by Linda Murphy Marshall
print ARC for review
Pub date ~ September 24

Great Expectations
by Charles Dickens
e-book from my shelves
First published July 30, 1860

Bring Me Back
by Paris, B.A.
audio-book from my shelves
Published March 2018

What I recently finished

Closet Full of Time and Other Dark Tales:
by Susan Kaye Quinn
eARC for review
Pub date ~ September 17

What Was Mine
by Helen Klein Ross
print from my TBR shelves for a challenge
Published January 2016

Hannah: The Soldier Diaries
by Steve Wallis
audio-book for review
Published September 2022

What I am going to read next

Love Is for the Birds
by Diane Owens Prettyman
print ARC for review
Pub date ~ October 8

I really love my reading life!

What are you reading this week?


Be sure to check the sidebar for all of my current giveaways!


  1. Nice assortment of books. I remember reading Great Expectations and it came up again while I was reading The Book Swap, but I have no desire to revisit it. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  2. I remember starting Great Expectations, but am pretty sure I never finished it.
    Hannah: The Soldier Diaries, sounds like an interesting book since it's only available as an audiobook.


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