Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Release Day! Closet Full of Time and Other Dark Tales by Susan Kaye Quinn ~ My Thoughts #ClosetFullOfTime

Happy Release Day!

Congratulation Susan
on the release today of
Closet Full of Time and Other Dark Tales!
Closet Full of Time and Other Dark Tales by Susan Kaye Quinn
Science Fiction & Fantasy Short Reads 63 pages
Published September 17, 2024 by Twisted Space LLC

The thing the machines consume is us.

Ready to lease out your mind? Or pay for your next meal with involuntary ads?

The Closet Full of Time collection contains five short stories that speak to that sinking feeling that we're serving the machines instead of the other way around. That our inventions are taking things we can’t afford to lose.

1 - Welcome to the Mindshare Program

2 - How to Treat Your Algorithm

3 - Indexed

4 - The Everything Machine

5 - Closet Full of Time

If you think AI should liberate us from folding laundry, not make our art, these stories are for you.

My thoughts about Closet Full of Time  ~~

Closet Full of Time and Other Dark Tales contains five intriguing, thought-provoking stories that, while you could rush through them, you need to read slowly and savor each and every word. Each one contains so much wisdom and insight into what our world could turn into, if we're not careful.

I have read a lot of Susan's stories and each time I start one or begin one of her series, I am taken out of my reading comfort zone and embark on a reading experience like I've never had before. She has introduced me to so many new worlds and ideas. She is such an informed person with so much wisdom to pass on to all of us. 

Closet Full of Time.... was both an enjoyable read as well as being a little scary. What if our world truly becomes what she plays out in these five short stories? Very mind-blowing to think about. I loved all the stories though and highly recommend this collection. 

I received an ARC of Closet Full of Time and this is my honest opinion.


About the author

Susan Kaye Quinn is an environmental engineer/rocket scientist turned speculative fiction author who now uses her PhD to invent cool stuff in books. Her works range from hopepunk climate fiction to futuristic spec fic, with side trips into cyberpunk and steampunk romance. Her bestselling novels and short stories have been optioned for Virtual Reality, translated into German and French, and featured in several anthologies, including placing 3rd in Grist’s 2022, Imagine 2200: Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors contest

Susan grew up in California, got a bunch of engineering degrees (Aerospace, Mechanical, and Environmental), and worked everywhere from NASA to NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research). She has designed aircraft engines, studied global warming, and held elected office (as a school board member). She writes full-time from outside Pittsburgh, watching the birds and deer from her deck, trying to dream a better future into being.

Susan is a full member of SFWA (Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association) under her SKQ penname and a member of RWA (Romance Writers Association) under a penname that she keeps secret unless you bring tea and pinky-swear not to tell. She’s also a graduate of the 2022 class of Viable Paradise, a member of PARSEC, and a Published Penn with PennWriters.

Susan wrote this at a Sci-Fi panel on hopepunk, and she thinks it’s as good a lighthouse as any (for her). ~ Author's website

Connect with Susan


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