Monday, May 30, 2016

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? May 30, 2016

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. It's an opportunity to visit other blogs and to comment on their reads. And ... you can add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!


Well, our kids who are expecting had an ultrasound on Friday and found out they are only having one baby. They were really sweating it since both of the mommy-to-be's parents are twins. Yikes! But it's just one. The weather here has been beautiful and we are spending the 3 day weekend babysitting our 23 month old grandson so his parents could get away for a bit. No relaxing, long holiday for me! But he is so much fun and we have had a great time, though we are looking forward to the parents getting home. This babysitting gig is really cutting into my reading time. I so love naptimes! Have a great week and happy reading everyone!

Click on the book image to read more on Goodreads.

What I'm currently reading/listening to
The Weekenders
by Mary Kay Andrews
I love MKA's books and I am excited to get this one read.

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children (Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children #1)
by Ransom Riggs

What I recently finished

Beach Blues
Beach Blues
by Joanne DeMaio
I just finished this one last night. I loved it, just like all the rest of Joanne's books. My thoughts will be posted June 3rd.

by Nina Revoyr
For not knowing anything about this book or this author, I really liked it. We had a great book discussion.

Flight Patterns
Flight Patterns 
by Karen White
What a wonderful story! I'm going to be adding it to my book club reading list. You can read my thoughts here.

What I am going to read next

The Charm Bracelet
by Viola Shipman
This one looks like a good one to read next.

I really love my reading life!

What are you reading this week?

Be sure to check the sidebar for my current giveaways!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Book Spotlight Giveaway! The Legacy Human by Susan Kaye Quinn

I have sooooo many books! I have a ton of print books and probably even more e-books. The Book Spotlight Giveaway feature that I post every Saturday is a way for me to clear my shelves and to share some of the many books I have. There are a lot of different reasons that I might be letting some of my books go, the biggest one is that when we moved 2 years ago I discovered how many books I really do have. This feature is a way for my to cull my collection and to give someone else the opportunity to enjoy them.


I love the author that I am featuring this week and I have loved everything of her's that I have read. Her books have taken me outside my usual reading genres to explore whole new worlds. And I love that! I have a Kindle copy of book #1 of her Singularity series. Again, this is a genre I don't usually read but it was written by her so I just had to read it. And I was not disappointed! You can read my thoughts here.

Good luck and be sure to stop back next week!

The Legacy Human (Singularity #1)

The Legacy Human

The Legacy Human by Susan Kaye Quinn
Series: Singularity #1
Paperback and e-book, 412 pages
Published March 2nd 2015 by Createspace

What would you give to live forever?

Seventeen-year-old Elijah Brighton wants to become an ascender—a post-Singularity human/machine hybrid—after all, they’re smarter, more enlightened, more compassionate, and above all, achingly beautiful. But Eli is a legacy human, preserved and cherished for his unaltered genetic code, just like the rainforest he paints.

When a fugue state possesses him and creates great art, Eli miraculously lands a sponsor for the creative Olympics. If he could just master the fugue, he could take the gold and win the right to ascend, bringing everything he’s yearned for within reach… including his beautiful ascender patron. 

But once Eli arrives at the Games, he finds the ascenders are playing games of their own. Everything he knows about the ascenders and the legacies they keep starts to unravel… until he’s running for his life and wondering who he truly is.

The Legacy Human is the first in a new young adult science fiction series that explores the intersection of mind, body, and soul… and how technology will challenge us to remember what it means to be human.

Check out Susan Kaye Quinn's website for information about The Legacy Human and everything Singularity.


About the author 

Susan Kaye Quinn is a rocket scientist turned speculative fiction author who now uses her PhD to invent cool stuff in books. Her works range from young adult science fiction to adult future-noir, with side trips into steampunk and middle grade fantasy. Her bestselling novels and short stories have been optioned for Virtual Reality, translated into German, and featured in several anthologies.

She writes full-time from Chicago, inventing mind powers and dreaming of the Singularity.

Chat with her about our coming robot overlords on Facebook.

Find all of Susan's books on Amazon.

Connect with Susan 

Be sure to check the sidebar for my current giveaways!

Friday, May 27, 2016

Book Blitz: Mirror Image by Michele Pariza Wacek, an Excerpt and a Giveaway!

Mirror Image

Mirror Image by Michele Pariza Wacek
Publication date: May 27th 2016
Genres: Adult, Psychological Thriller, Suspense

Which would be worse, knowing that your dead sister has come back to life and is now a serial killer or that someone else is the killer….and that person is you?

Six months after Linda’s sister Elizabeth killed herself, Linda has finally gotten her life back to some semblance of normalcy. Until a killer appears who is stalking men … a killer who resembles Elizabeth … a killer who seems somehow familiar to Linda.

And, to make matters worse, Steve, her old high school crush and now a detective, is assigned to this case. He’s asking Linda all sorts of questions, questions Linda couldn’t possibly have an answer to.

There’s no reason for him to be investigating Linda. She couldn’t possibly have anything to do with this.

Could she?


When Elizabeth was born, her mother knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the hospital had made a mistake.

It had been a difficult pregnancy. Marie spent most of it in bed, nauseated, uncomfortable, exhausted. She barely kept anything down, subsisting mostly on tea and saltine crackers. When the time came to deliver, the doctors performed an emergency Caesarean section, so she wasn’t able to actually watch the birth.

She couldn’t explain it, but the first time the nurses presented her with Elizabeth, she refused to even hold the baby. “There must be some mistake,” she insisted.

“There’s no mistake,” the nurses said, their approach firm and no-nonsense.

Blond and pale, Elizabeth looked nothing like the other dark haired members of the family. But it was more than that. Elizabeth felt wrong. Marie sensed it every single time she looked at Elizabeth, touched Elizabeth, smelled Elizabeth. The baby was alien to her. Elizabeth was not her baby.

But she could do nothing about it. Her husband hadn’t seen the birth. He had refused to attend any of his children’s births. The nurses kept assuring her that no one had made, could possibly have made, a mistake. So Marie had little choice but to bring her home.

Elizabeth was different, always — strange. Marie hated to use that word about any of her children, especially her youngest, but she could find no other word to describe her. Elizabeth was strange. Period.

From birth, the baby kept quiet. Rarely fussed. Hardly cried. She started talking at six months, much earlier than the rest of her children, and started forming full sentences at just over a year old.

She spent most of her time alone or, once she learned how, reading. In fact, Elizabeth remained such a quiet child, Marie could easily forget about her. It made her nervous. Elizabeth was too quiet.

Even her scent was all wrong. Babies smelled warm and sweet, of milk and talcum powder. Elizabeth’s scent reminded her of meat just beginning to spoil: thick and rotten.

But there was something else wrong with Elizabeth, something more serious than her near silence, her behavior, her scent. Even more serious than that alien feeling, which Marie had tried to dismiss as simple post-partum depression, although it never did go away entirely.

When Marie was really being honest with herself, which didn’t happen often, she could admit what really disturbed her most about her daughter.

Her eyes. Elizabeth had silver eyes.

Not always. Most of the time they looked gray. But sometimes, they changed to silver. Occasionally, Marie even thought she could see them glowing, like a cat’s. Especially at night. There Elizabeth would be, lying on her back, perfectly quiet in her crib, her eyes strangely open, shining faintly in the darkness. Marie would tell herself that Elizabeth’s eyes merely reflected the nightlight in a bizarre fashion. After all, none of her other children’s eyes ever glowed. But it still didn’t make her any easier to face, late at night, as silver eyes stared at her from the darkness. They seemed so old, so ancient. Eyes that had seen thousands of years and hundreds of lifetimes. Those eyes peered out from her newborn’s face, watching her every move, strangely calculating, full of adult understanding and knowledge. She felt afraid, if she were being honest … all alone in the room with those peculiar silver eyes watching, watching, always watching.

Nonsense, she reassured herself. Surely, she could not be afraid of her own infant daughter! What would her husband say? Plenty probably, and most of it with his fists.

Still, she found herself checking on Elizabeth less and less. She argued with herself: Elizabeth didn’t fuss much anyway. Marie didn’t need to check on her so often — not like she did with her other, noisy, “normal” babies.

Her other children. Such a joy they were, her four boys and other girl — Peter, Mark, Mike, Chad and Linda. All healthy, regular children, with coarse dark hair, brown eyes and a little bit of baby fat on their bones. They looked the way children should look, the way her children should look, like their parents. But more importantly, they acted the way children should act — loud, boisterous, rough, needy. Marie loved them for it, loved how she couldn’t get a moment’s peace when they played together. Even when their play turned to fighting, she still preferred it to Elizabeth’s silent, eerie presence.

But Marie loved Elizabeth, too. Loved her fiercely, with the same passion she felt for her other children. Marie knew she did. She told herself she did, time and time again. The fact that she felt relief when Elizabeth wasn’t around meant nothing. She just needed time away from her children, after all. Almost all mothers welcomed the time they had away from their constant, children-related responsibilities. It didn’t mean she loved them any less. It didn’t mean anything at all.

About the author

When Michele was 3 years old, she taught herself to read because she wanted to write stories so badly.

As you can imagine, writing has been a driving passion throughout her life. She became a professional copywriter (which is writing promotional materials for businesses), which led to her founding a copywriting and marketing company that serves clients all over the world.

Along with being a copywriter, she also writes novels (in fact, she just published her first novel, a psychological thriller/suspense/mystery called "The Stolen Twin" and her second novel "Mirror Image'" is set to be published in May 2016) plus, she is also the author of the "Love-Based Copy" books, which are a part of the "Love-Based Business" series and cover both business and personal development.

She holds a double major in English and Communications from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Currently she lives in the mountains of Prescott, Arizona with her husband Paul and her border collie Nick and southern squirrel hunter Cassie.

Connect with Michele

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Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Regrets of Cyrus Dodd by Bette Lee Crosby ~ My Thoughts


The Regrets of Cyrus Dodd

The Regrets of Cyrus Dodd by Bette Lee Crosby
Series: Wyattsville #4
Kindle Edition, 244 pages
Expected publication: June 15th 2016 by Bent Pine Publishing

Revenge, death, deception... These are the things Cyrus Dodd has to overcome if he is to give Ruth the life he's promised her. The problem is he's got a prideful nature and when a seemingly innocuous argument leads to a bitter feud with his neighbor, his life changes forever. The plans he has falls by the wayside and before he finds a way to fix it, he comes to understand the meaning of regret.

In this early twentieth century family saga, two men come up against each other--both are iron-willed and stubborn. One will lose his farm; the other will lose his family. In a tale of betrayal, murder and revenge two West Virginia farmers will discover that being right does not necessarily mean being happy.

Believing he has lost everything Cyrus Dodd is forced to start over. He promises Ruth that this time it will be better, but the truth is he doesn't know if it's a promise he can keep.

My thoughts about The Regrets of Cyrus Dodd ~~

(I love to note the first lines of the books I'm reading. First lines can really grab a reader's attention and I love seeing where the author takes the reader after their first line.)

First line—'I have heard it said that a man who cries is spineless, a weakling not worthy of his salt, but this I can tell you: a man who has never shed a tear has not yet learned to love.'

I just love the wisdom and insight in this first line. Like all of Bette's book, this one is packed full of beautiful lines and wise advice. I was lucky enough to get a chance to be an early reader of The Regrets of Cyrus Dodd and whenever I get my hands on one of Bette's books, I drop everything to read them. And as luck would have it, I had the day off from work that day, so I was able to devour, yet savor this lovely book.

This is book #4 in the Wyattsville series and I always love it when I get to go back to Wyattsville. All the wonderful people that I have come to know and love are there and I get to spend time with all of them again. In this story, we meet Cyrus and his wife, Ruth as they go through the trials and tribulations put before them. Cyrus lives with the regrets that he has and can't see all of the good in his life. As the two of them make their way to Wyattsville, will he finally be able to realize that he has to let go of those regrets to finally be happy?

'I regret all those years of thinking I had a bunch of regrets.'

Bette has done it again! She has written another wonderful, gentle story full of loveable characters. She writes such beautiful words and imparts so much wisdom in her stories, wisdom that we can all learn from. Thank you Bette, for another great trip back to Wyattsville!

Pre-order from Amazon

About the author

USA Today Bestselling and Award-winning novelist Bette Lee Crosby's books are "Well-crafted storytelling populated by memorable characters caught up in equally memorable circumstances." - Midwest Book Review

The Seattle Post Intelligencer says Crosby's writing is, "A quirky mix of Southern flair, serious thoughts about important things in life and madcap adventures."

Samantha from Reader's Favorite raves, "Crosby writes the type of book you can't stop thinking about long after you put it down."

"Storytelling is in my blood," Crosby laughingly admits, "My mom was not a writer, but she was a captivating storyteller, so I find myself using bits and pieces of her voice in most everything I write."

It is the wit and wisdom of that Southern Mama Crosby brings to her works of fiction; the result is a delightful blend of humor, mystery and romance along with a cast of quirky characters who will steal your heart away. Her work was first recognized in 2006 when she received The National League of American Pen Women Award for a then unpublished manuscript. She has since gone on to win nineteen awards for her work; these include: The Royal Palm Literary Award, the FPA President's Book Award Gold Medal, Reader's Favorite Award Gold Medal, and the Reviewer's Choice Award.

Connect with Bette

Be sure to check the sidebar for my current giveaways!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Release Day: Flight Patterns by Karen White and My Thoughts

Happy Release Day!

Flight Patterns

Flight Patterns by Karen White
Hardcover and e-book, 416 pages
Published: May 24th 2016 by NAL

The New York Times bestselling author of The Sound of Glass and coauthor of The Forgotten Room tells the story of a woman coming home to the family she left behind—and to the woman she always wanted to be...

Georgia Chambers has spent her life sifting through other people’s pasts while trying to forget her own. But then her work as an expert of fine china—especially of Limoges—requires her to return to the one place she swore she’d never revisit...

It’s been ten years since Georgia left her family home on the coast of Florida, and nothing much has changed, except that there are fewer oysters and more tourists. She finds solace seeing her grandfather still toiling away in the apiary where she spent much of her childhood, but encountering her estranged mother and sister leaves her rattled.

Seeing them after all this time makes Georgia realize that something has been missing—and unless she finds a way to heal these rifts, she will forever be living vicariously through other people’s remnants. To embrace her own life—mistakes and all—she will have to find the courage to confront the ghosts of her past and the secrets she was forced to keep...

My thoughts about Flight Patterns ~~

(I love to note the first lines of the books I'm reading. First lines can really grab a reader's attention and I love seeing where the author takes the reader after their first line.)

First line—'Dead bees fell from the bruised dusk sky, their papery bodies somersaulting in the air, ricocheting like spent shells off the azure-painted roof of the hive.'

I love this first sentence. It is so descriptive and beautiful. I knew as soon as I read it that this was going to be a wonderfully written story that was going to capture my heart. There were so many more beautiful passages all though the book and I could see and feel so much as I was reading the author's words.

Flight Patterns is a wonderful in-depth look at a family just trying to survive their dysfunction. Georgia just needs to take a trip back home to look for a piece of china for a client. It's only going to be a quick trip and then she will leave again, just like she did ten years ago. She is not interested in mending her broken relationship with her sister. Well, things don't always work out like one plans or wants. And it is amazing how important that piece of china is to everyone and everything.

The author does an excellent job of weaving all of the storylines together as everyone tries to figure out how everything is connected. The characters are forced to take a look at their lives and to decide what and who is important.

I love how the information about the bees and beekeeping is interwoven with the character's lives. There is so much we can learn from the habits of the bees. I have a very good friend who works for a honey farm so this story all about bees, earned a special place in my heart. I can't wait to share this story with her.

Flight Patterns is the first Karen White book that I have read and I truly loved it. I loved the bees, the characters, and the complexity of the story. I especially loved her beautiful writing which kept me wanting to read more. I will definitely be reading more of her work. 

I received a copy of this e-book from First to Read in exchange for my honest opinion.

About the author

Karen   White

After playing hooky one day in the seventh grade to read Gone With the Wind, Karen White knew she wanted to be a writer—or become Scarlett O'Hara. In spite of these aspirations, Karen pursued a degree in business and graduated cum laude with a BS in Management from Tulane University. Ten years later, after leaving the business world, she fulfilled her dream of becoming a writer and wrote her first book. In the Shadow of the Moon was published in August, 2000.  Her books have since been nominated for numerous national contests including the SIBA (Southeastern Booksellers Alliance) Fiction Book of the Year, and has twice won the National Readers’ Choice Award.

Karen is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author and currently writes what she refers to as ‘grit lit’—Southern women’s fiction—and has also expanded her horizons into writing a mystery series set in Charleston, South Carolina. Her nineteenth novel, The Sound of Glass, was published in May 2015 by New American Library, a division of PenguinRandomHouse Publishing Group.

Karen hails from a long line of Southerners but spent most of her growing up years in London, England and is a graduate of the American School in London. When not writing, she spends her time reading, scrapbooking, playing piano, and avoiding cooking.  She currently lives near Atlanta, Georgia with her husband and two children, and two spoiled Havanese dogs.

Connect with Karen

Release Day: Leaving Blythe River: A Novel by Catherine Ryan Hyde

Happy Release Day!

Leaving Blythe River: A Novel

Leaving Blythe River

Leaving Blythe River: A Novel by Catherine Ryan Hyde 
Paperback and e-book, 314 pages
Published: May 24th 2016 by Lake Union Publishing

New York Times bestselling author Catherine Ryan Hyde returns with an unforgettable story of courage.

Seventeen-year-old Ethan Underwood is totally unprepared to search for his father in the Blythe River National Wilderness. Not only is he small, scrawny, and skittish but he’s barely speaking to the man after a traumatic betrayal. Yet when his father vanishes from their remote cabin and rangers abandon the rescue mission, suddenly it’s up to Ethan to keep looking. Angry or not, he’s his father’s only hope.

With the help of three locals—a fearless seventy-year-old widow, a pack guide, and a former actor with limited outdoor skills—he heads into the wild. The days that follow transform Ethan’s world. Hail, punishing sun, swollen rapids, and exhausting pain leave him wondering if he’s been fooled yet again: Is his father out here at all? As the situation grows increasingly dire, Ethan realizes this quest has become about more than finding his dad.

From the bestselling author of Pay It Forward comes a story of nature revealing human nature—the trickiest terrain. Navigating an unforgiving landscape, Ethan searches himself for the ability to forgive his father—if he finds him alive.

I love this author and everything she writes. Her newest book. Leaving Blythe River, is out today and I have it on my Kindle. I am ready to get lost in another wonderful world that she has created.  

About the author 

Catherine Ryan Hyde

I'm the the author of 30 published and forthcoming books.

My newest releases are Ask Him Why, Worthy, The Language of Hoofbeats, Take Me With You , Where We Belong, Walk Me Home, Subway Dancer and Other Stories, When You Were Older, Don’t Let Me Go, When I Found You, Second Hand Heart, The Long, Steep Path: Everyday Inspiration From the Author of Pay It Forward, Always Chloe and Other Stories, and 365 Days of Gratitude: Photos from a Beautiful World.

Pay It Forward: Young Readers Edition, an age-appropriate edited edition of the original novel, was released by Simon & Schuster in August of ‘14. It is suitable for children as young as eight.

I have two forthcoming new novels due out in 2016 from Lake Union/Amazon Publishing, Leaving Blythe River and Say Goodbye For Now.

Other novels include Jumpstart the World, Becoming Chloe, Love in the Present Tense, The Year of My Miraculous Reappearance, Chasing Windmills, The Day I Killed James, and Diary of a Witness.

I am co-author, with publishing industry blogger Anne R. Allen, of How to be a Writer in the E-Age: a Self-Help Guide.
Connect with Catherine

Be sure to check the sidebar for my current giveaways!

Monday, May 23, 2016

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? May 23, 2016

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. It's an opportunity to visit other blogs and to comment on their reads. And ... you can add to that ever growing TBR pile! So welcome everyone. This meme started with J Kaye's Blog and then was taken up by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at the Book Date. And here we are!


My 85 year MIL went home on Wednesday last week and I finally feel like all is right with the world again. I really, really missed my reading time. But then a weekend with no plans to start out with, ended up a little busy. We unexpectedly were asked to babysit for the 23 month old grand-kiddo on Saturday so that took the day. And we found out on Friday night that we are going to be grandparents, again! That will make 8 for us. No wonder my life is hectic. But I love it and wouldn't have it any other way! What has your week been like?

Click on the book image to read more on Goodreads.

What I'm currently reading/listening to

Flight Patterns
Flight Patterns 
by Karen White
I am loving this book!

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children (Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children #1)
by Ransom Riggs
Not getting much car time so I haven't gotten very far but I love this series!

What I recently finished

The Regrets of Cyrus Dodd (Wyattsville #4)
by Bette Lee Crosby 
I snuck in an ARC of this book last week around everything else I should have been reading. I love this author and I love this series of hers. My thoughts will be posted later this week.

What I am going to read next

by Nina Revoyr
This is for my book club. I have never heard of this book or author. I hope I like it.

I really love my reading life!

What are you reading this week?

Be sure to check the sidebar for my current giveaways!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Book Spotlight Giveaway! The Wednesday Daughters by Meg Waite Clayton

I have sooooo many books! I have a ton of print books and probably even more e-books. The Book Spotlight Giveaway feature that I post every Saturday is a way for me to clear my shelves and to share some of the many books I have. There are a lot of different reasons that I might be letting some of my books go, the biggest one is that when we moved 2 years ago I discovered how many books I really do have. This feature is a way for my to cull my collection and to give someone else the opportunity to enjoy them.

I have two copies of this book! And you could win one of them. I read the first book of this series, The Wednesday Sisters for one of my book groups and we loved it. I have been meaning to read this one, I just haven't gotten to it yet. And then I ended up with 2 copies. It's amazing what one discovers when books come out of storage boxes. LOL

Good luck and be sure to stop back next week!


The Wednesday Daughters

The Wednesday Daughters by Meg Waite Clayton
Series: Wednesday #2
Hardcover, 304 pages
Published July 16th 2013 by Ballantine Books

Meg Waite Clayton, nationally bestselling author of The Wednesday Sisters, returns with a compassionate, wise, and enthralling new novel of mothers and daughters, best friends who become family, and secrets and dreams passed down through the generations.

It is early evening when Hope Tantry arrives at the small cottage in England’s pastoral Lake District where her mother, Ally, spent the last years of her life. Ally—one of a close-knit group of women who called themselves “The Wednesday Sisters”—had used the cottage as a writer’s retreat while she worked on her unpublished biography of Beatrix Potter, yet Hope knows nearly nothing about her mother’s time there. Traveling with Hope are friends Julie and Anna Page, two other daughters of “The Wednesday Sisters,” who offer to help Hope sort through her mother’s personal effects. Yet what Hope finds will reveal a tangled family history—one steeped in Lake District lore.

Tucked away in a hidden drawer, Hope finds a stack of Ally’s old notebooks, all written in a mysterious code. As she, Julie, and Anna Page try to decipher Ally’s writings—the reason for their encryption, their possible connection to the Potter manuscript—they are forced to confront their own personal struggles: Hope’s doubts about her marriage, Julie’s grief over losing her twin sister, Anna Page’s fear of commitment in relationships. And as the real reason for Ally’s stay in England comes to light, Hope, Julie, and Anna Page reach a new understanding about the enduring bonds of family, the unwavering strength of love, and the inescapable pull of the past.

About the author 

Book club favorite and New York Times and USA Today bestseller Meg Waite Clayton is the author of five novels, including The Race for Paris and The Wednesday Sisters, one of Entertainment Weekly’s 25 Essential Best Friend Novels of all time.

Her first novel, The Language of Light, was a finalist for the Bellwether Prize for Socially Engaged Fiction (now the PEN/Bellwether). She's written for the Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, Runner’s World and public radio, often on the subject of the particular challenges women face.

Connect with Meg

Be sure to check the sidebar for my current giveaways!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Release Day; Stealing Light by Julie Cassar

Happy Release Day!


Stealing Light

Stealing Light by Julie Cassar
Published: May 18, 2016

"Tonight, everything could change. I wasn’t ready to let go of anyone just yet."

If you could change what you know is coming, would you? Cecelia Walker discovers an amazing ability deep within herself that gives her the power to change the future. When mysterious outsiders enter her life, she begins to question everything and everyone she once knew. 

Years earlier, CeeCee’s life changed forever the day her parents were killed in a horrific car accident. Suddenly extraordinary people and bizarre events began to seep into her very small world. Surviving for years on her addiction to coffee and running, life suddenly deals her a game-changing wildcard and all bets are off. Her magnificent Gift of Light awakens a tremendous dark power wanting to steal what is hers. 

Will Cecelia be able to change what she’s seen and set a new course? Has she met her otherworldly match against evil and found her true soul mate? Or, is nothing is as it seems as the power of darkness threatens to consume her and those she loves.

I loved this story! You can read my thoughts here. And now, you really need to order Stealing Light and get it read. Julie is working on book #2 so there will be more amazingness coming! 

About the author 

I grew up the youngest girl of six kids in Livonia, Michigan. (That's a little suburban town just west of Detroit.) I'm a graduate of Eastern Michigan University and earned a Bachelor Degree in Fine Art specializing in Graphic Design. I've worked as a production artist for a sportswear company, a graphic designer for non-profit publications, a freelance designer and painter, and I now currently work as a legal assistant for an attorney. (I know, it's an unexpected employment twist, isn't it?) I am currently working on several new paintings and photographs and have a young adult fiction series in the works.

I could tell you where I currently live and lots of other little details about my life, but that might give away too much information...after all, I like to keep you guessing!  
Connect with Julie

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