Monday, September 30, 2024
It's Monday! What Are You Reading? September 30, 2024 #IMWAYR
Book Blitz! Rabbit Moon by Jan D. Payne ~ Excerpt & #Giveaway! #RabbitMoon @XpressoTours

Rabbit Moon by Jan D. Payne
Publication date: September 17th 2024
Genres: Adult, Mystery, Thriller
They say you can’t go back home, but Marin Sinclair, end-of-life doula, doesn’t expect her life to be in danger when she answers a mysterious plea for help from a long-ago friend and returns to Dinetah, the Navajo Nation. Her past there holds memories she is reluctant to confront, but what about her life then would make someone want to kill her?
Navajo Nation Police Sergeant Justin Blue Eyes shares a connection with Marin from the past, and he has a few questions of his own when Marin disappears―such as why the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has agents investigating the abandoned uranium mines on the reservation and how Marin is connected.
Marin needs to survive to find any answers, and to do so she is forced to run, going off the grid on her own in the Lukachukai mountains with unknown killers close behind.
The Bilagaana woman’s eyes were wide and staring, and even if she wasn’t a ghost-witch Haastiin Sani thought maybe she was crazy. Only someone crazy would have been out here alone in the dark and the rain. Crazy people must be treated with care, and the same for ghost-witches. It didn’t help to make them angry.
He looked at the woman, considering.
She was trembling now, as if cold, but witches and crazy people both were known to be clever. The sooner he saw her off the better, and he jerked his chin toward the direction of his camp and motioned the woman to follow. He would show her every hospitality and then gently nudge her on her way.
She looked somewhat better when he gave her a cup of hot coffee and offered the frybread his daughter had left for him, inviting her with a nod to take it, and tears came into her eyes as her lips and chin began to tremble.
Very much like a normal person, but it could be a ruse to cause him to relax his vigilance so she could blow corpse dust over him. He busied himself with the fire and wished fervently to be rid of this evil.
Marin knew she made this man very uncomfortable, and she thought she even knew why, considering where and how he had found her, but she didn’t know how to relieve his fears without making things worse.
“Thank you,” Marin murmured to the old man. “Ahéhee’,” she repeated.
She studied the man on the other side of the fire. His face was seamed and wrinkled, his frame was tall and spare beneath the loose shirt of red cotton tied with a woven sash. His gray hair was worn long, and there was a turquoise bead woven into a strand of hair near one temple.
A hogan was built higher up the slope, a blanket hanging across the eastern door, and an empty sheep pen was tucked into a rocky cliff a short way from it. A handsome bay horse wearing a rope halter stood nearby, sheltering under overhanging boards propped between a few corral poles and the cliff.
She looked around for the sheep she knew must be somewhere close by, and the dogs, but they weren’t in sight. She didn’t see any sort of vehicle either, or any other person besides the old man, watching her surreptitiously.
The old man cleared his throat suddenly, and she flinched, startled, but instead of speaking, the old man rose to his feet and walked toward the corral.
She stood as well, thinking he meant for her to follow, but he gave no sign, and she paused.
Passing Marin without word or look, he ducked under the hogan’s blanket door, emerging a moment later with an ancient-looking saddle, a bridle, and a thick saddle blanket woven in red and black yarns.
Silently, he began to saddle the horse, smoothing the blanket across the horse’s back and throwing the saddle over, pulling the cinch tight. He put the bridle on last, settling the bit into the horse’s mouth before reaching to adjust the braided ear straps. Without looking at her, he walked back, thrust the reins towards Marin, and spoke for the first time.
“You go now,” he said, and pursed his lips, pushing his chin toward the east.
Marin opened her mouth to object to taking his horse and slowly closed it again. The old man was giving her a way to get down the mountain, and she had no wish to bring trouble to him if Tolliver managed to follow her here.
She took the reins.
Haastiin Sanii grunted and stepped away toward the fire, and Marin tied her jacket to the saddle, surprised when he returned and pushed the remainder of the frybread into her hands.
“Over there,” he said, pointing again with his chin, “is a good way down.”
She waited for any more words the man might offer, for he seemed to be listening and thinking carefully, but he said nothing. He slapped the horse on the rump and stepped away.
“You go now,” he repeated.
Marin mounted, then turned in the saddle. “I’ll leave the horse at a trading post below,” she said.
Haastiin Sanii shrugged, relieved, as he watched her ride away. She was someone in a lot of trouble or someone bringing a lot of trouble, but he had done the best he could.
He looked down at his sash and fingered the gun he had found beside the spring, then looked down the trail at the woman on his grandson’s horse. He wondered if she knew a flashflood was coming and if she knew enough to stay out of the canyon.
About the author

Drawing from her years in the Southwest and the Navajo Nation, Jan Payne writes on themes of courage, regret, hope, and restoration in a world of created kinships. Through her characters’ lives and shared dangers—Marin Sinclair, end-of-life doula; Sergeant Justin Blue Eyes of the Navajo Nation Police; Cullen MacPherson, agent for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Garret Washburn, teenaged ward of Marin’s, and Lewis George, Raven spirit-guide-cum-trickster—she takes readers on a journey through the complex interactions of cultural backgrounds and personal histories, highlighting the way kinships forged in crisis have the power to reshape our lives.
Jan Payne lived on the Dineh (Navajo) reservation in Sanostee, on the New Mexico side of the Lukachukai mountain range, where she spent summers climbing mesas, taking camping trips on horseback, exploring ghost towns in the mountains of Colorado, or working with her dad breaking and training horses in Sanostee. Her two most memorable summer jobs were at a Durango, Colorado dude ranch working with pack mule trains and a brief stint as a camp cook at a uranium mining site.
Connect with Jan
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Thursday, September 26, 2024
Book Blitz! The Parent Playbook by Elsie Woods ~ Excerpt and #Giveaway! #TheParentPlaybook @XpressoTours

The Parent Playbook by Elsie Wood
(Love on Thin Ice)
Publication date: September 26th 2024
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance, Sports
I don’t know when dad jokes and mismatched socks became my type, but that hockey dude skated into my life like a runaway puck… and I think I like it.
I know I should be thankful that my charity was selected by the Ice Breakers hockey team. It’ll make a huge difference in children’s lives all over the state.
There’s only one problem:
I hate hockey dudes.
I have to remind myself of that fact when Scotty MacFarland with his groan-worthy dad jokes slips into my life like he’s always been there.
No matter how hard I push back on that perfectly formed chest, Scotty remains strong, giving me the space I need. I’m beginning to think I don’t want to have so much space anymore.
But by the time I figure that out, it just might be too late.
The only thing I love more than hockey is my daughter.
It was a no-brainer for me to give up the ice when I became a single dad, and I didn’t look back. But when the call came to coach the Ice Breakers, the opportunity was too good to pass up, and I thought my girl would thrive with a fresh start in Maple Falls.
Turns out, the leaves weren’t the only thing falling in Maple Falls.
Angel Davis swooped into my life and pieces I didn’t know were missing started to fall into place. A devoted single mom, director of a children’s charity, and all-around spark of sassiness, she and I find an easy rhythm, despite her throwing a boot at my face.
But Lily comes first. And if I have to leave behind a future with Angel before it’s started in order to do what’s right, I will.
Though it seems fate has other ideas.
The Parent Playbook is part of the Love on Thin Ice sweet small town hockey romcom series. It’s a single dad/single mom, second chance love story in this small town romance with all the sizzle and chemistry, but none of the spice.
Before I know it, Scotty’s placing an empty water bottle atop his head, standing with a mock-serious expression, hands by his sides. “All right, Annie Oakley, let’s see what you’ve got.”
I hesitate for a split second—am I really about to throw my boot at this man? But the impish spark in his eyes is too much to resist. I slip off my boot, balance it in my hand, and toss it gently.
It spins through the air, perfectly knocking the bottle off without so much as grazing his hair.
Scotty applauds. “Nice shot! But was it luck or skill?”
“I think we’re about to find out.”
“Over here!” He runs to the other side of the barn and I’m a few strides behind. He snatches his safety goggles, balancing them on his head, but they’re no match for my aim. I knock them off with a satisfying thud.
“Over here!”
A feed bucket, an egg basket, and a grooming brush later, I’ve kept my perfect score.
“You’re amazing!” he shouts. “Wait, I know …” With a particularly devilish grin, Scotty puts on his cowboy hat. “This one’s for all the marbles, Angel.”
“You’re asking a lot of me here. That baby is hugging your head.”
“I have confidence in you.”
“That’s one of us anyway,” I mumble as I take aim, my heart pounding—not from the game, but from the way he looks at me, like I’m the only woman on earth. “Here goes nothing …”
The boot flies true, flicking the hat right off that handsome head.
“Yes!” he cries, and next thing I know, I’m heading for him.
As if drawn by a magnet, I stumble right into Scotty’s waiting arms. Our bodies crash together, his hands steadying me at my waist, and we laugh, my hands on his chest. We’re face to face, breaths mingling, the laughter filling the barn until it fades out and all that’s left is him and me.
His eyes search mine, and there’s so much affection, such tenderness, that something inside me melts on the spot.
Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me.
I bite my lip as my arms gently push on his chest.
What am I doing?
I have no idea. I can’t tell what I want. I think it’s him, that I want him more than I’ve wanted almost anything, but a force in me presses him back.
This is a silly crush. A silly crush on a super handsome, considerate, helpful, gentle, intelligent, muscular man.
He lets me go, and I don’t know if he just ruined it or saved us both, but he follows up by setting a box of screws on his head.
“How about this? One more for good luck, unless you’re scared of hitting something other than hats.”
The spell may be broken, but my heart still races. “It’s a small target, but I’ve been known to hit a gourd with an arrow from thirty yards at Maple Fest.”
“Prove it, cowgirl.”
Must calm these overwrought nerves. I wind up, ready for the shot …
“I WASN’T DOING ANYTHING!” I shout as the boot flies a little too forcefully, my aim a little off.
And it smacks Scotty straight in the face.
About the author

Elsie Woods is an author of giggly romantic comedy with a big dose of furry friends. While born in Canada, she abandoned cold winters for southern France with her golden retriever and unicycling French hubby. When not writing, she can be found sipping tiny coffees by the Mediterranean, hiking with her hubby and dog, or munching on the most delicious cheese in the world.
You can chat with Elsie on Facebook ( or watch her (and her dog) be silly on TikTok ( Don’t forget to try her free novella on her website: Faking Christmas Love at the Doggy Spa (
Connect with Elsie
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Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Virtual Book Tour! Soul Love by D.F. Jones ~ Excerpt and Interview! #SoulLove @Author_DFJones @pumpupyourbook
USA Today Best-Selling Author, #1 International Bestseller,
#1 Amazon Bestseller, D. F. Jones began her career as a broadcast consultant
at the ABC Affiliate in Nashville, which led her to open an advertising agency.
She downsized her agency to care for her parents. Writing is a source of
creative expression for D.F. Jones, but it also releases stress. Writing takes
her to a place where anything is possible, and fiction takes her to a place
made of dreams.
Whether it’s angels and demons, time travel adventures,
witches, wizards, or ghosts, her books are action-packed with supernatural and
romantic elements.
She’s happily
married to the love of her life and best friend. They have two beautiful sons
whom she loves and adores more than life itself. She loves to laugh, and her
husband keeps her in stitches! She’s a fan of the Tennessee Titans and enjoys
working in her flower gardens.
Connect with D.F.
Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Goodreads
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Release Day! Immersion: A Linguist's Memoir by Linda Murphy Marshall ~ My Thoughts #Immersion @shewritespress
Happy Release Day!
Fans of the self-discovering journeys in Cheryl Strayed’s Wild and Andrew McCarthy’s The Longest Way Home will love diving into linguist Linda Murphy Marshall’s adventure-filled international journey as she overcomes her past to find her place in the world—all over the world.
Immersion is a memoir that takes the reader on a captivating emotional and physical journey through Linda Murphy Marshall’s from the longstanding, crippling impact of family members’ low expectations and abuse, to her discovery as a young adult that she possesses special skills in foreign languages.
Linda is taught from an early age that she has little of value to offer the world. But her love of and affinity for languages enables her to create a new life—to separate herself from her toxic environment and to build a successful, decades-long career as a professional multilinguist. It’s a rewarding vocation, but a challenging her assignments with the US federal government take her on some hair-raisingly dangerous journeys, some to countries with unstable governments and even active war zones. But these sometimes-harrowing experiences teach her how to open the “windows” around her, unearth her true self, and develop a healthy sense of self-worth—and ultimately, paradoxically, her work and travel so far from home allow her to come home to herself.
2024 Next Generation Indie Book Awards Winner in Travel/Travel Guides
Linda Murphy Marshall is a multi-linguist and writer with a Ph.D. in Hispanic Languages and Literature from St. Louis University, where she was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa. Her writing has been published in The Los Angeles Review, The Catamaran Literary Reader, The Ocotillo Review, Maryland Literary Review, Brevity’s Nonfiction Blog, Dorothy Parker’s Ashes, and elsewhere. She has also been asked to speak at Maryland Writers’ Association, American University, and Rice University In addition, she is a docent at the Library of Congress, served as Translation Editor at The Los Angeles Review, and is an Associate at the National Museum of Language.
In her work as an African language specialist, she co-authored a book on Xhosa, a South African “click” language, and acted as a consultant on another book on another South African “click” language, Sotho. In addition, she made over a dozen work trips to the continent of Africa and has been to every continent but Antarctica.
She is currently a Reader for Fourth Genre, and her memoir, Ivy Lodge: A Memoir of Translation and Discovery was published in 2022. A second memoir, Immersion: A Linguist’s Memoir comes out in 2024.
An artist, her paintings have been featured in shows at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., the Loudoun Academy of the Arts Foundation (Virginia), and the Columbia Art Center (Maryland). Her painting “Mirror Mirror” was featured on the cover of Adanna Literary Journal, her painting “All That Jazz” was featured in the literary journal Jerry Jazz Musician, and her painting “Raw Oysters” was featured in Persimmon Tree.
In addition, Dr. Marshall is a lifelong award-winning classical pianist and, as an adolescent, played on the local public radio station in her hometown, St. Louis. ~ Author's website
Monday, September 23, 2024
It's Monday! What Are You Reading? September 23, 2024 #IMWAYR